There are three ways to write about the graves in a cemetery. First, a straight alphabetical list; second, chronologically by when people died, perhaps linked to who owned the cemetery at the time; and third, by the layout of the graves.
The first approach, an alphabetical list, is the fastest way to find an individual. But that’s not necessary for an online article, when searching is so easy.1 Hiram Deats made an inventory after he visited the cemetery in 1922 with Theodore Bellis and again in 1939, with Carroll Britton. The published alphabetical list is based on the Deats inventory of 1939.

It is hard to say who the men in the photo are. Most likely the gentleman on the left was Mr. Deats; presumably the other one was Theodore Bellis.
Another inventory was taken in 1940 by Frank Burd, and he typed it up partly alphabetically and partly by family.2 It is not a copy of the inventory made by Deats in 1939, as it is missing a quite a few names, but it included some stones not listed by Deats, i.e., “M. B.”, “J – D 1840”, “A. M.”, “K. P.”, and “W – S”. There are quite a few stones like these, having just two initials. A look at a map of the cemetery shows clearly that most of these are footstones, and do not represent separate graves. This may have given Mr. Deats a false count of the number of graves.3
Deats himself typed up his findings in a list arranged by location, row by row, dated Sept. 29, 1939, on file at the Hunterdon County Historical Society. This kind of arrangement gives a more accurate reading of people with their closest relatives. He counted 40 members of the Moore family in the cemetery, plus fieldstones with initials: D. M., E. M., and H. M.
The chronological method is interesting for seeing who was buried while Jacob Moore Sr. owned the cemetery, and afterwards his son Daniel. Among the earliest graves would be those of Jacob and Amy Moore, but they have not been found. Deats noted that
“there are two other burying grounds on this farm, near the house, but no lettered stones are remembered by older people. When I first saw them some 35 years ago, I saw nothing but field stone markers, with no lettering.”
That could very well be where Jacob and Amy Moore are buried. Someone else who is probably buried there is “Indian Mary,” who lived near the Moore family and was remembered by Rhoda Moore Wagner.4
There are only about six gravestones in the Moore Cemetery that date from the 18th century. Looking over the map, it is clear that people were not buried close to the entrance gate based on the date of death. The cemetery must have been laid out all at once, and families selected different areas of the whole graveyard in which to be buried.
Hiram Deats began his list in the northwest corner of the cemetery, the furthest away from the gate. He numbered each of the rows, starting with row one on the west side. I prefer to do the opposite, starting in the southeast corner where Rev. Naas is buried. But, to avoid confusion, I will use Mr. Deats’ numbering for the rows, which means the southeast corner is row nine. Rev. Naas’s grave is close to the gate in that row. There are at least 22 more stones there, based on the field stones that have been found, but none of them are lettered. Since some of them are probably footstones, lets say there are at least ten more unmarked graves in that corner.5
Not all of the 18th century burials were confined to that corner. A stone that reads “1757 Den 13 M Cath Lasche” is in about the middle of row five, along with other members of the Lawshe family. She was almost certainly Catherine Lawshe, daughter of Abraham Lawshe & Margaret Bechleshammer. She died December 13, 1757, probably an infant.
Abraham Lawshe & Margaret Bechleshammer were early members of the Amwell German Baptist Church, and certainly well-acquainted with the Moore family. The graves of Abraham and Margaret are probably here, but they haven’t been found. Margaret died on November 28, 1814 and Abraham on December 12, 1819. There are blank spaces next to Catherine Lawshe in row five; perhaps her parents are there. Not far from her is a stone that reads: “H. P. L. 1751,” possibly another member of the Lawshe family.
Considering that the cemetery had been in use since at least 1741 and possibly earlier, it is most disappointing to find so few 18th century burials. But this is pretty typical in old private burying grounds in this area. The oldest stones are the most vulnerable to weathering and vandalism.
From 1770 to 1807, Daniel Moore was in possession of the homestead farm and the cemetery, during which time there were about nine burials: Jacob Moore 1784, William Acker 1793, Rouzer Moore and Elizabeth Moore 1802, Margaret Haines 1802, Rachel Allen Lawshe 1802, John Bosenbury 1804, Jacob Fauss 1806 and Daniel Moore himself 1807.
Jacob Moore, Jr. and the Ackers
Jacob Moore, Jr., eldest son of Jacob Moore, Sr. & Amy Moret, died May 7, 1784, age 61. He is buried in row seven, somewhat back from the gate. (Rows 6 and 7 are closest to the gate.) His wife Christeen who died in 1816, age 95, is buried next to him. And next to her are their daughter Anna and her husband William Acker, Jr. who died July 17, 1793, only 39 years old. Anne Moore Acker died on March 18, 1833, age 80. I suspect that William and Anne Acker were not members of the Brethren Church. They were married on April 13, 1780 by the Rev. William Frazer, an Anglican minister. From this I conclude that they were buried here based on their connection with the Moore family rather than with the Brethren Church.
William Acker, Sr. died in January 1760, age 59. It is thought that he also was buried here, but he is not on Hiram Deats’ list, nor on Frank Burd’s list, nor on Find-a-Grave. His first wife is thought to be Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Amy Moore. They had a son, Peter Acker, in 1741, probably not long after William Acker arrived here from Germany. William Acker often wrote his name “Ecker” and was naturalized in 1755. He acquired land not far from the Moore homestead on Haines Road. His wife Elizabeth Moore Acker must have died young, because William Acker, Sr. had a second wife, Anne Dierdorf, who came to America with her parents. They probably married in 1742, because their first child, Christianna, was born in 1743. (More about her and husband John Bosenbury later.) William “Aker” wrote his will on January 8, 1760. He named his wife Anne and eldest son Peter executors, and made reference to other children without naming them. His Inventory was taken on January 17, 1760 by Joseph Runyon and John Opdycke.6
Boss and Lair
In row eight, not far from Jacob Moore’s family, lies Mary Boss, who died unmarried on April 26, 1831, age 80. She was the sister of Sarah Boss and Ann Boss, and daughter of Godfrey Boss and Elizabeth Horner, who lived near Ringoes until they moved to Locktown (before it was known as Locktown) in 1799.
Ann Boss was the second wife of William Lair, who immigrated from France, and died Sept. 9, 1821, age 60.7 His first wife was Ann’s sister Sarah. Ann Boss Lair is buried here, according to Hiram Deats, in row eight, although her stone can no longer be found. Sarah Boss Lair (1757-1799) is buried next to William Lair in the Nixon-Craven Cemetery.
Mary Lair, wife of Edmund T. Furman, and daughter of William and Sarah Boss Lair, died November 23, 1835, age 59. Where Furman was buried is not known. Mary Lair “Firman” is buried next to Mary Boss Lair in row eight.
A Mary Moore is supposed to be lying in row eight, according to Hiram Deats, although her stone seems to be gone. She died April 15, 1826, age 72. I do not know who she belongs to, but since she was born about 1754, she was the right age to be a daughter of Daniel Moore, Sr. and his first wife Catharine. But she could also be the daughter of Jacob Moore, Jr. or of Peter Moore.
Peter Moore

Another son of Jacob and Amy Moore was Peter Moore, Sr., born about 1724, died 1792. One would expect him to be buried here, along with his two wives, but the wives’ graves are missing. With first wife Efrosina, Peter Moore had a daughter Anna who married a neighbor, Joseph Haines. Haines died in 1797, age 42, burial place not known. Anna petitioned for guardianship of her eight children in 1800. The only one of them buried here, in row one, was daughter Margaret Haines, who died on July 10, 1802, age 8. Anna Moore Haines died on November 14, 1814, age 58, and was buried next to her daughter.
Daniel and Gideon Moore

Getting back to burials during the ownership of Daniel Moore, Sr., there were two burials in 1802 that must have been heartbreaking. They were the grandchildren of Daniel and Elizabeth Rouzer Moore. Grandson Rouzer Moore, died on May 8, 1802, age 2 and his sister Elizabeth Moore, died May 13, 1802, age 4, probably from something like scarlet fever. They were the children of Gideon Moore & Catharine Yorks, and were buried in row three not far from the south wall. Their parents were buried next to them, as well as a sister Catharine who died in 1843, age 25, and a brother Jacob D. Moore.
Daniel Moore, Sr., son of Jacob & Amy Moore, died Dec. 30, 1807, age 78. He is buried in row four, not too far from the gate, and surrounded by members of his family, including his widow Elizabeth Rouzer, who died July 22, 1819, age 70. She was the daughter of Rev. Gideon Rouzer, who was active in the Dunkard Church as early as the 1730s. His farm was southwest of Locktown, later owned by Andrew Bray.8 He died in 1783. I do not know the name of his wife, but they also had a daughter Hannah, who was the first wife of James Jones (below). Her gravestone has not been found. She probably died around the same time as her father.
Near the graves of Daniel and Elizabeth Moore, in rows three and four, are his son Gideon Moore, died Sept. 19, 1840, age 65, Gideon’s wife Catharine Yorks, died March 11, 1854, age 77, and their children, Rouzer & Elizabeth; also daughter Catharine, died 1843.
There are two Elizabeth Moore’s here, first the daughter of Gideon and Catharine who died May 13, 1802, age 4. The other one, whose grave is close to this family but over in row two, may have been the infant daughter of Asa Moore and Mary White; she died on June 16, 1832. Next to her, back in row three is Jacob D. Moore, son of Gideon and Catharine Moore, born Feb. 9, 1809, died Oct. 18, 1847, age 38. He was married to Amy White, sister of Mary White Moore, and daughter of John and Elizabeth White of Franklin Township. Two of their infant children are in the next row: Aaron A. Moore, died July 4, 1842, and an unnamed infant, died Nov 16, 1834. They are next to the graves of Daniel Moore and Elizabeth Rouzer. Amy White Moore did not die until 1893, at age 83, but she is buried in the Lower Amwell Old Yard along with her parents.
As mentioned in the previous article, Asa Moore, son of Gideon and Catharine Moore, became a member of the Brethren Church in Sand Brook, and was buried in the cemetery there. But his daughter Elizabeth, who died an infant on June 16, 1832, was buried in the Moore Cemetery, in row two, not far from the graves of Gideon and Catharine Moore in row three. She is here because the Sand Brook Church was not established until the late 1840s.
During the years after Gideon Moore died and before David Moore died in 1843, there were four more Moore burials and one Moore spouse–Ann, widow of Henry Moore, who died Jan. 12, 1843, age 91, and was buried in row two, next to Henry Moore who died in 1826. Henry was born July 1747 to Jacob Moore and wife Christeen. They had three daughters who are not buried here. In fact, Henry Moore was living in Hopewell when he wrote his will on January 13, 1826, leaving all his property to wife Ann during her lifetime.
Members of the Bosenbury, Fauss and Lawshe families married into the Moore family.
Over in row five, closer to the north wall, a visitor will find the family of Henry Lawshe, who was born to Abraham and Margaret Lawshe on July 25, 1757. This is the same row in which Catharine Lawshe, who died in 1757, was buried. Henry married first Rachel Allen, who died on October 1, 1802. His second wife was Mary Moore, who survived him. She was the daughter of Daniel Moore & Elizabeth Rouzer, and died December 26, 1846, age 69. Henry himself died on June 18, 1831 and was buried next to his two wives, but none of their children are here.
After the death of Henry Lawshe, his widow Mary married Rev. Israel Poulson, on July 31, 1841. At the time she was 64 years old, and he was 71. She died first, in 1846, so it is surprising that she was buried with her first husband in the Moore Cemetery rather than in the Lower Amwell Old yard next to Rev. Poulson, who died in 1856. That was where his first two wives were buried, Esther and Hannah Moore, sisters of Mary Moore Lawshe and daughters of Daniel Moore and Elizabeth Rouzer.
Abraham and Margaret Lawshe had a daughter Anna Lawshe who married Abraham Moore, to be discussed below.
In row one, near the northwest corner, is John Bosenbury, Jr., who appeared in Mr. Bush’s article “The Bosenbury-Taylor Cemeteries.” He was married to Christianna or Christeen Acker, the daughter of William Acker and Anna Dierdorf, mentioned above. He died on January 15, 1804, age 60. Christeen was buried next to him; she died on October 6, 1834.
John and Christianna had ten children, two of whom are buried here. Daughter Mary died on August 28, 1848, age 60 and unmarried. She lies next to her mother. Son Joseph’s grave is in row three with his own family—his wife Elizabeth Sutton, daughter of John Sutton and Dinah Bonham, and daughter Harriet and son Asa.
Joseph Bosenbury died September 6, 1836, age 53. Daughter Harriet died March 3, 1844, age 18. Wife Elizabeth died October 2, 1857, age 76. Son Asa died February 17, 1872, age 57, unmarried. Next to them is the grave of Emily Rockafellar and Milton Rockafellar. These were the children of Asa’s sister Clara Bosenbury Rockafellar, wife of David J. Rockafellar. The parents were both buried in the Lower Amwell Old Yard, David in 1842, being only 37 years old, and Clara in 1898, when she was 84. Their two children were both two years old when they died, Emily in 1836 and Milton in 1840.
Henry and Mary Groff Moore
Henry Moore, son of Jacob and Amy Moore, died on May 14, 1816, age 78. He is buried in row two, next to the John & Christeen Bosenbury family. Next to him is his wife, Mary Groff Moore, who died on December 23, 1833, age 93. (The number of very elderly people buried here is quite surprising and impressive.)
At least three of their children were buried here. There are also two who ought to be here because they died as infants or young children, Sarah (born 1770) and Henry (1787-1797), but their graves have not been found. Of the adult children, eldest son William died February 22, 1849, age 83. His wife, Margaret Lawshe, daughter of Abraham Lawshe and Margaret Bechleshammer, died September 13, 1857, age 93. Three of their children are also here, all of them unmarried. Abraham Moore, died on February 29, 1864, age 71. Peter Moore died by suicide, on December 31, 1870, age 75. Their sister Anna died on December 24, 1879, age 92. She is the last known burial in the Moore Cemetery.
Henry and Mary’s son John Moore died on September 23, 1848, age 74. His wife, Johanna or Hannah Trout, daughter of George Trout and Hannah Lequear, died on October 16, 1865, age 94. Four of their five children are here with them in row three. John, Jr. died October 26, 1816, age 11. Henry died September 16, 1828, age 20, and just six days later, his brother Joseph L. Moore died on September 22, 1828, age 31, unmarried. Their sister Elizabeth survived until June 17, 1864, when she died at the age of 61. William and Johanna’s daughter Mary (1800-1876) married Isaac Gray and was buried in the Lower Amwell Old Yard. William and John’s sister Mary married Samuel Fauss, see below.
Sarah Moore
In row two, next to the family of Henry Moore, is James D. Moore, son of William Moore, Jr. and Mary Dalrymple (both buried in the Lower Amwell Old Yard), and grandson of William Moore and Margaret Lawshe, who are buried here. Next to his grave is Sarah Moore who died on March 2, 1821, age 50. She was the wife of Jonathan Moore, who has me somewhat perplexed. I don’t know what he is doing here, as he appears not to have been a direct descendant of Jacob and Amy Moore. Jonathan Moore was born January 3, 1772 in Kingwood Township, the son of Josiah Moore and Mary Lake, and grandson of Jonathan Moore (1720-1790) of Hopewell. Sarah Moore’s parents were John and Mary Hoppock. As far as I can tell, none of the five children of Jonathan and Sarah Moore are buried here.

The Fauss family were involved with the early Dunkard church, but seem to have come to Amwell Township later than the first members. Jacob Fauss, born Dec. 6, 1740, is buried here in row one, closer to the southwest corner. Jacob died August 25, 1806. Next to him, his wife Margaret Space who died on Sept. 12, 1830. Jacob Fauss owned a farm on the west side of Sand Brook-Headquarters Road. He wrote his will on September 29, 1805, leaving to son Samuel “My Dictionary, my small Dutch handbill, my English quarto Bible, a windmill for cleaning grain and a young bay mare,” plus the homestead plantation.
Samuel Fauss, the eldest son of Jacob Fauss & Margaret Space, died April 1, 1831, age 54, and was buried next to his parents. His wife was Mary Moore, daughter of Henry Moore and Mary Groff (who were buried in row two). She died on July 26, 1871, age 92 and was buried next to her husband. She had been living with daughter Ann and son-in-law Enoch Hoffman, but they were buried elsewhere.
Also in row one is John Fauss, youngest son of Jacob Fauss & Margaret Space, who died June 7, 1825, age 42. His wife Mary (maiden name not known) is next to him. She died on July 25, 1871, age 92.
The third child of Jacob Fauss & Margaret Space to be buried here was Rebecca, who died on March 21, 1830, age 50. She is identified as the “consort” of Emanuel Trimmer (about whom I have no information other than that they married on May 9, 1815).9 But it is her first husband, Peter Prall, whom she married on April 25, 1799, who is more interesting.10 When Jacob Fauss wrote his will on September 29, 1805, he left £2 to Peter Prall, “eloped husband” of daughter Rebecca, and to Rebecca, £14 yearly and she to have her own home with her brother Samuel Fauss. Apparently, Prall had decided to divorce Rebecca, but what became of him it is hard to say. There are several Peter Pralls in Hunterdon County born between 1672 and 1851. The only one close to the right age was born Nov. 21, 1777, but he was married to Lucretia Trout in 1800, and she lived until 1839. So it must have been another Peter Prall (unless Peter was actually a bigamist).
There are two mystery stones close by the Fauss family, one that reads “E. P.,” found by Mr. Deats in 1922, but gone by 1939, and the other resembling a footstone, reading “M. B.” I do not know how they connect with the Fauss family. Perhaps the “E. P.” was actually “E. T.” for Emanuel Trimmer. And the “M. B.” might have been a misreading of “M. F.” or Mary Moore, wife of Samuel Fauss.
During the time that Gideon and David Moore shared ownership of the cemetery, from 1807 to 1843, there were at least 47 burials, 22 of them being Moores or people married to Moores. As far as I can tell the others were not directly related. The highest mortality was in 1826 (six burials plus one in 1825). Other bad years were 1828, 1831, and 1833-36.
David Moore, Sr. and the Hudnuts
Just to the left of the gate in row five, is a group with David Moore, Sr., who died on March 20, 1843, age 64, his wife Elizabeth Hudnut, who died April 5, 1836, age 58, her father Isaiah Hudnut, died April 26, 1828, age 78, and her mother Margaret, died April 6, 1835, age 84. Some of the stones with initials actually belong to this group: D. M., E. M., M. H., and I. H. These are all footstones for Daniel Moore, Elizabeth Moore, Margaret Hudnut and Isaiah Hudnut.
A slight distance north of this group, in row six, is Rachel Hudnut, daughter of Isaiah and Margaret Hudnut, who died on August 5, 1859, age 71, unmarried. Next to her is Matilda Bray, daughter of Andrew Bray & Sarah Rittenhouse, died May 30, 1833, age 12. It is a mystery why she would be buried here. The family were regular Baptists, not German Baptist. But another member of the Hudnut family was Mary, wife of Isaac Bray, who died on July 15, 1823, age 40. Isaac Bray and Andrew Bray were half cousins. It is hard to see how this group fits together. In fact, Mary Hudnut Bray does not appear on the Deats list. She does show up on Find-a-Grave, which is also the case for Sarah Hudnut, another daughter of Isaiah and Margaret Hudnut, who died July 21, 1826, and was married to an Eycke, according to the Hudnut family Bible. The person entering names on Find-a-Grave noted the absence of gravestones, but assumed that Sarah and Mary would be buried with their parents.

Close to the gate and the south wall, and also near Rev. Naas’ grave is the family of Christian and Cicely (or Cecelia) Brewer. He was born about 1767 and owned land in Kingwood Township. He died on May 1, 1812, age 45. Christian Brewer died intestate, but his inventory was not taken until 1813. It was made by Rev. Israel Poulson and Gideon Moore and included a weavers loom and “tackling.” Administrator of the estate was Samuel Fauss.
This leads me to suspect that rather than being directly related to the Moores, Christian Brewer was buried here because of his connection with the Brethren Church. His grave is closest to the stone wall. I do not know who his parents were, but he may well have been related to William S. Brewer (1805-1883) who came to Hunterdon from Monmouth County and married Sarah Moore, daughter of Gideon and Catharine Moore. (That family is not buried here.) Perhaps that is the connection of the Brewers with the Moore family. I can see no other.
Christian Brewer’s wife Cicely, maiden name unknown, survived him for many years, being counted in the 1850 census as age 68, living with Austin C. Servis. She did not die until April 18, 1864, age 82. A space was left for her in 1835 when their grandson John W. Stout was buried. He was the son of Elias Stout and Mary Brewer, daughter of Christian and Cicely, and died March 22, 1835, age 3. Next to the child is the father, Elias Stout, parents not known, who died on September 1, 1836, age 37. His wife Mary Brewer Stout is not here, though. She was buried in the Newell Cemetery in Stanton. Her gravestone reads: “Only dau. of Christian & Cicily Brewer, aged 66 yrs, 9 mo. & 13 days.”11
Note that these Brewer graves also had footstones: C. B., C. B., J. W. S. and E. S.
Abraham Moore
The eldest son of Daniel Moore and Catharine Storts was Abraham Moore, who died on June 11, 1818, age 59. He was buried in row four, and next to him was his wife Anna Lawshe, daughter of Abraham Lawshe & Margaret Bechleshammer, who died on December 23, 1852, age 92. Only one of their children is known to have been buried here—Margaret, born July 22, 1786, died October 22, 1859. She is buried in the same row as her parents, next to her husband Peter Corson, who died on October 22, 1859, age 73. Their infant daughter Sarah Lawshe Corson died on January 11, 1824. Their granddaughter Dencea Corson is here too; she died April 24, 1835, the daughter of Mahlon Corson and Sarah Heath, who were buried in the Lower Amwell Old Yard.
Peter Corson was the son of Jacob Corshon (died before 1819) and Mary Hoppock (died after 1822). I do not know where they were buried. But next to Peter’s family is his brother John Corson, who died May 16, 1848, age 60, and his wife Esther, who died December 20, 1859, age 72. (She may have previously been married to John’s brother Jacob Corson, Jr.) Her obituary states that she died near Locktown.
James Jones
James Jones is buried in row seven, apparently all by himself. He is probably here because his first wife was Hannah Rouzer, daughter of Gideon Rouzer and sister of Elizabeth Rouzer Moore. James Jones died on August 28, 1823, age 69. Hannah Rouzer Jones probably died soon after their marriage, and is probably buried here, although her stone is missing.
What is especially curious is that Jones’ second wife, Jerusha Lambert Taylor, died on the same day as he did, but is buried in a different cemetery. She lies in the smaller, even more inaccessible cemetery known as the Fisher-Taylor Burying Ground, which is located between the farms of Asa and William H. Moore. She was the daughter of Gershom Lambert & Sarah Merriam, and widow of Peter Taylor, who apparently died around 1784, based on the will of his father William Taylor, who bequeathed a share of his estate to Peter’s children, Daniel, Sarah, Susannah and Elizabeth Taylor. One would think that the Fisher-Taylor burying ground had been owned at one time by Peter Taylor, but no record of that has yet been found.
James Jones, who lived a short distance east of Headquarters, was a prominent person in Amwell and Delaware Township. He was also a slaveholder. He was involved in the estates of many of his neighbors, as a witness, appraiser, executor or administrator, but ironically did not write a will for himself. Rev. Israel Poulson and William Moore appraised his inventory. His son was Sheriff Asa Jones.
Moving back to the southwest corner of the cemetery, we find Anna Housel, daughter of John & Catharine Housel, who died June 27, 1826, age 35. She was the sister of William Housel (c.1794-1875), who was buried in the Larison’s Corner Cemetery with John and Catharine Housel. Anna was buried in the Moore Cemetery next to her husband, Job Wolverton, son of Gabriel Wolverton & Catharine McMurphy, who died April 3, 1864, age 75. Why were they here? I’m not sure. The closest connection is their daughter Martha Wolverton who married Deacon William H. Moore. But that couple is buried in the Sand Brook Cemetery, not here.
Job Wolverton owned a farm on Covered Bridge Road. He was a trustee of Green Sergeant School in 1830, and in 1840 was an Overseer of Roads in Delaware Twp. His second wife, Catharine Servis, survived him but I do not know where she is buried; possibly in Ringoes with the Servis family.
There was another Wolverton buried here—Charles Wolverton. He was married to Mary Aller, daughter of John & Keziah Aller, who died on November 26, 1834 at the age of 63. Charles was probably born in 1769 to Roger Wolverton of Hopewell and wife Martha Thatcher. He died on October 20, 1844, and was buried next to wife Mary in row six of the Moore Cemetery, close to the north wall. This was only four days after burying his son Charles Wolverton, Jr., who died October 16, 1844, age 30, unmarried.
Mary’s sister Rachel Aller married Rev. John Wolverton, also a son of Roger and Martha Wolverton, and her brother Peter Aller married Amy Wolverton (c.1780-1844), daughter of Gabriel & Catharine Wolverton. One might think that Charles Wolverton would be related to the Job Wolverton who was buried in the southwest corner of the cemetery, but they were only second cousins. Also, there were no other members of the Aller family buried in the Moore Cemetery.
Moving to row two, there is Catharine Dalrymple (parents not known), wife of Edmund Dalrymple. She died on July 8, 1826, age about 40, and was buried right next to the south wall, and next to her husband, who died on August 31, 1847. He was the son of Samuel & Elizabeth Dalrymple, and father of Wm. S. Dalrymple, who died Aug. 31, 1847, age 67 and was buried here in row nine, next to his wife Margaret Heath, who died June 17, 1868, age 70.
Also here is Mary Dalrymple, who died August 26, 1854, age not known. She could have been either a sister or daughter of Edmund and Catharine Dalrymple.
William H. Moore owned the western half of the Moore Cemetery from 1840 until his death in 1866. During that time about thirty people were buried in the Moore Cemetery, twelve of them Moores or married to Moores. Most have already been mentioned, but the infant children of Albertus K. and Rhoda Moore Wagner have not. In row five, near the south wall, you will find an infant Wagner who died in 1849, without a given name. Next came Henry or Hiram, who died October 4, 1851, then David, who died about 1852. Even though these children were buried here, their parents were not. They became members of the Sand Brook Brethren Church and were buried there, Albertus in 1871 and Rhoda Moore Wagner in 1881.
Moores in Other Cemeteries:
Note: I am only listing people buried in these cemeteries. Often some of the children are here also, but I have omitted those children who were not buried with their parents.
Lower Amwell Old Yard
Anne Moore, 7 Dec 1767 – 5 Jun 1866, age 98, daughter of Henry Moore and Mary Groff, m. Joseph Hoppock, c. 1765-1819, age 54. Their three children were also buried here.
1) Peter Hoppock, c.1790-1875, unmarried
2) Charles Hoppock, 1800-1876, married Jerusha Moore
3) Mary Hoppock, 1804-1869, married Alexander McClanen
Children of William Moore (son of Henry Moore & Mary Groff) and Margaret Lawshe:
- Mary, 1787 – 1865, age 78, m. Henry Hoppock
- William Moore, Jr., 1798-1873, age 74, m. Mary Dalrymple
- Margaret, 8 Feb 1801 – 23 Mar 1889, age 88, m. Ozias Parkes
- Rachel Lawshe Moore, 1803-1895, age 91, m. John Dilts
Mary Moore, 4 Feb 1800 – 13 Mar 1876, age 76, daughter of John Moore and Johannah Trout, granddaughter of Henry Moore & Mary Groff, m. Isaac Gray, 1795-1874, both buried here, as well as their two children:
- John M. Gray, 1820-1890, m. Mary C. Runyon
- Hannah Gray, 1823-1903, unmarried
Catharine Moore, 21 Oct 1817 – 23 Dec 1891, age 74, possible daughter of John A. & Catharine Moore, m. Henry Crum, 1815-1897. Their son George W. Crum is also here.
Ann Moore, 3 Jan 1825 – 6 Jan 1880, age 55, daughter of Wm. Moore, Jr. & Mary Dalrymple, m. Elder John D. Hoppock, 8 Jan 1819 – 22 Feb 1906, age 87. All four of their children are also buried here: Hannah, died 1908, Sarah M. (wife of Lambert M. Hyde), died 1851, and Hiram Deats Hoppock (married Sarah Elizabeth Horne), died 1920.
Children of Jonathan Moore & Sarah Moore:
- Jerusha, 22 Dec 1807 – 14 Apr 1867, age 59, m. Charles Hoppock
- John Reading, 5 Jun 1811 – 29 Sep 1887, age 76, m. Ann Thatcher
- Mary, 25 Dec 1799 – 13 Jun 1875, age 75, m. William P. Dilts
Children of Daniel Moore & Catharine Storts:
- Rebecca, 14 Mar 1761 – 9 Jan 1852, age 90, m. Mathias Peoplesdorf, c. 1757 – 4 Oct 1848, age 91.
- Esther Peoplesdorf, 1796-1884, m. John Mowry
- Mary Peoplesdorf, 1799-1891, m. Capt. James C. Green
- Daniel S., 27 Feb 1762 – 1 May 1860, age 98, s/o Daniel Moore & Catharine Storts, m. Nancy Cooley
Children of Daniel Moore & Elizabeth Rouzer:
- Hannah, 4 May 1776 – 21 Sep 1839, age 63, m. Rev. Israel Poulson, 1770-1856
- Hester M. Poulson 1798-1843, m. Thomas West Brewer
- Charles Poulson, 1802-1885, wife Sarah
- Elizabeth R. Poulson, 1805-1889, m. Jacob Wagner
- Rachel Poulson, c.1808-1841, m. Elias H. Conover
- John Poulson, 1810-1873, m. Sarah J. Carkhuff
- Daniel Poulson, 1813-1890, m. Lucy E. Opdycke
- James P. Poulson, 1818-1856, m. Rachel S. Trimmer
- Rhoda, 6 Aug 1786 – 21 Mar 1842, age 55, m. Tunis Case, 1797-1859. Four of their five children also buried here.
Edward H. Moore, 16 Dec 1841 – 26 Jan 1871, age 29, son of Isaiah A. Moore and Mary Lake, grandson of Daniel & Elizabeth Rouzer Moore. Edward died unmarried. Burial place of Isaiah & Mary Moore is not known.
Isaiah A. Moore’s brother Hiram Moore and his wife Amanda Holcombe are not here, but two of their children are:
- Lemuel, 1831 – 24 Sep 1842, age 11
- Maranda, 1843 2 – Oct 1847, age 4
Parthenia Moore, died Aug 1842; parents not known.
William S. Moore, 9 Jun 1815 – 9 Apr 1889, age 73 (parents not identified), m. Susan Burroughs (not here). Children of Wm. S. Moore & Susan Burroughs. Their children:
- Augustus W., 1847 – 4 Oct 1860, age13, son
- Dana, 1857 – 17 Sep 1864, age 7
Elizabeth Moore, 16 Nov 1869 – 24 Aug 1871, age 1, daughter of Jacob & Rebecca R. Moore (not here); granddaughter of Wm. S. & Susan Moore.
Brethren Church Cemetery in Sand Brook:
Jacob Moore, 3 Mar 1782 – 25 Nov 1858, age 76, son of Henry Moore & Mary Groff, m. Elizabeth Sine, 2 Nov 1789 – 8 Jun 1874, age 84.
- Amy Moore, abt 1809 – 19 Feb 1894, age 85, m. Caleb F. Wolverton, 27 Dec 1809 – 16 Aug 1878, age 68
- Delilah Moore, 6 May 1829 – 20 March 1905, age 75, m. Thomas Dalrymple, 26 Aug 1837 = 29 March 1910, age 72
- Catherine Dalrymple, died 1881 (needs proof)
Children of Gideon Moore & Catharine Yorks:
- Daniel J. Moore, 21 Dec 1801 – 9 Jan 1886, age 84, m. Euphemia Shepherd
- Sarah Moore, 28 Apr 1804 – 5 Sep 1877, age 73, m. William S. Brewer, 15 Sep 1805 – 18 Jan 1883, age 77
- son Gideon M. Brewer, 1827 – 1900, m. Mary Bearder
- son Thomas West Brewer, 1829 – 1914, m. Caroline Hoppock
- daughter ? Hannah, 1830-1906
- daughter Lydia ?
- Asa Moore, 9 Aug 1806 – 6 Oct 1885, age 79, m. Mary White 1798 – 6 Sep 1883, age 85
- son Gideon, 1836 – 1904, age 68, m. Elizabeth B. Sutton
- infant, born /died 1865
- Freddy, born/died 1868
- Frank B., 27 Aug 1871 – 22 Nov 1874
- Harry, 17 Dec 1875 – 1947, age 71, unmarried (?)
- daughter Rebecca, 1840 – 26 Jan 1863, age 23
- son Gideon, 1836 – 1904, age 68, m. Elizabeth B. Sutton
- John P. Moore, 6 Sep 1811 – 26 Oct 1889, age 78, m. Anna Pierson, 1 May 1809 – 16 Oct 1892.
- daughter Matilda, 7 Apr 1839 – 27 Feb 1866, age 26, unmarried.
- William H. Moore, 1814-1866, m. Martha Wolverton
- Angeline Moore, 31 Aug 1835 – 1925, age 89, m. Peter Buchanan
- daughter Martha M. Moore, June 1865 – 29 Oct 1929, age 64, m. Wm. S. Crips
- daughter Catherine, 13 Nov 1866 – 1953, age 86, m. Wm. McPherson
- Elder Charles W. Moore, 23 Dec 1838 – 16 Jun 1903, age 64, m. Mary Ann Fauss
- daughter Jennie F. Moore, June 1867 – 1955, age 87, m. Theodore F. Green
- Mary Catherine, 1842 – 1919, age 77, m. Theodore M. Horne
- Angeline Moore, 31 Aug 1835 – 1925, age 89, m. Peter Buchanan
Children of David Moore, Sr. & Elizabeth Hudnut (buried in the Moore Cemetery):
- Rhoda, 22 Mar 1811 – 22 Jan 1881, age 69, m. Albertus K. Wagner
- Emma E. Wagner, April 1847 – 1926, unmarried
- Franklin Pierce Wagner, 4 Sep 1852 – 1922, age 69, m. Sybilla Bodine Reading, 25 March 1852 – 11 Apr 1880, age 28
- Katherine B. Wagner, 1874 – 1962
- Albert K. Wagner, 1875 – 1950
- Rhoda Moore Wagner, 1879 – 1971
- Hiram, 12 Mar 1812 – 31 Jan 1893, age 80, m. Amanda Holcombe, 8 Jul 1817 – 21 Dec 1888, age 71
- David M. Moore, 30 Oct 1839 – 23 Apr 1921, age 81, m. Permelia R. Johnson
- Maranda H., 14 Dec 1870 – 14 Dec 1875, age 5
- Clinton (“Clinty”) W., 3 Jan 1874 – 5 Dec 1875, age 1
- David M. Moore, 30 Oct 1839 – 23 Apr 1921, age 81, m. Permelia R. Johnson
Barber Cemetery on Lambertville-Headquarters Road:
Caleb Moore, 14 Sep 1784 – 14 Jan 1835, age 50, m. Jane Wilson, 15 Jun 1780 – 30 March 1843, age 62
- Sarah Ann Moore, 18 Apr 1805 – 5 Jul 1878, age 73, unmarried
- Wilson F. Moore, 4 Jan 1807 – 18 Feb 1872, age 65; wife Eliza A., 21 Oct 1805 – 3 July 1873, age 67
- Richard H. Moore, 19 Aug 1829 – 8 May 1864, age 34; wife Mary E., 2 March 1842 – 17 March 1889, age 47
- Richard H. Moore, Jr., 1863 – 1877, age 13
- Leah W. Moore, 14 Nov 1832 – 4 July 1888, age 55, m. Charles Price
- Mary C. Moore, 1841 -1860, age 19, unmarried
- Richard H. Moore, 19 Aug 1829 – 8 May 1864, age 34; wife Mary E., 2 March 1842 – 17 March 1889, age 47
Sandy Ridge Cemetery:
Rachel Moore, 31 May 1794 – 25 Aug 1876, age 82, daughter of Josiah Moore and Mary Lake, m. Jesse C. Reed, 1793-1854.
- Elizabeth Reed, 1816-1842, m. Joseph B. Case
- Asa Reed, c. 1818-1867, m. Hannah Case
- Mary M. Reed, c. 1819-1898
Ruth Moore, 18 Nov 1786 – 18 Apr 1864, age 77 (parents not identified), m. Jacob Hice, 16 March 1781 – 16 Jan 1842, age 60.
Acker Moore, 25 Apr 1804 – 30 Dec 1883, age 79, m. Phoebe Miller, 21 June 1805 – 8 Jan 1897, age 91
- Amos H. Moore, 9 May 1845 – 9 Oct 1866, age 21, unmarried
Anna Moore, 1813 – 1 July 1871, age 58 (parents unidentified), m. Joseph B. Case (his third wife; 1st wife was Elizabeth Reed, above; 2nd wife was Matilda Ann Higgins)
John Moore, 3 June 1824 – 9 Aug 1902, age 78, son of Jacob Moore & Elizabeth Sine (see Sand Brook Cemetery); wife Louisa, 17 May 1825 – 24 Aug 1907, age 82.
2/5/2016: Kim Golding pointed out a serious omission for Anne Moore, wife of Joseph Hoppock. I had written to add their children and forgot to. Also, a different Ann Moore, this one the wife of Elder John D. Hoppock, was missing her children, and I had erroneously added Charles Hoppock to her family when he belonged with Joseph Hoppock. Thanks, Kim.
2/11/2016: I had originally written that Abraham & Margaret Lawshe were founding members of the Dunkard Church in Amwell. Actually Margaret’s parents, the Bechelshammers, were founding members, as were Lawshe’s father, Johannes Peter Lashett. (His mother is not known.)
2/11/16: When the article was first published, I did not know the family of Jonathan Moore’s wife Susan. That information was supplied to me by Sharon Moore Colquhoun.
- You can see an alphabetical list for the Moore Cemetery here: “Moore Cemetery by Deborah Naylor/Farhar.” The list is based on the Inventory made by Hiram Deats. ↩
- Hunterdon Co. Historical Society, Collection 44, Box 1, file 26. ↩
- A map of the Moore Cemetery was made by the Hunterdon County Historical Society Cemetery Committee, which I have relied on for this article. ↩
- See “Old Farms in Old Hunterdon.” ↩
- My list benefits from the work done last year by the Hunterdon Co. Cemetery Committee and the Brethren Church Youth Group, which managed to find many stones missed by Mr. Deats, most of them unlettered. ↩
- Some family genealogists are of the opinion that William’s wife was Anne Runyon, not Anne Dierdorf. ↩
- There was another Ann Boss, the granddaughter of Joseph Boss who named her as Ann Moore in his will of 1758. But which Moore was she married to? And who were her parents? She appears not to have been buried in the Moore Cemetery. ↩
- For more on the Gideon Rouzer and his farm, see ftnt 2 in “The Anderson Bray Farm.” ↩
- Marriage performed by Barton, J.P., recorded in Book 2, p. 71, Hunterdon Co. Marriages. I found nothing for him on other than his marriage to Rebecca. There was no estate recorded for him in Hunterdon County. ↩
- Marriage performed by Lambert, J.P., recorded in Book 1 p. 31, Hunterdon Co. Marriages. ↩
- I tried to find her in the census records, thinking she must have been living in Stanton with a relative, but did not find her. Her gravestone, on Find-a-Grave, clearly states that she was the daughter of Christian and Cicely Brewer. At the top of the gravestone is “Our Mother” but the only Stouts in this cemetery were born in the 1860s. ↩
Cynthia Victor
February 5, 2016 @ 9:34 am
Does anyone one have information on a Margatet Moore Petty b 1803 d 1892 married to Evans Goown Lake? Am wondering if she was part of this Moore family, have been unable to locate information on her. She is my 3rd Gr Grandmother.
Marshall Lake
February 5, 2016 @ 11:04 am
I only have dates for Margaret … b 20 Feb 1800 NJ, d 31 Mar 1892 Amwell Tp, Hunterdon Co, NJ, mar 13 Jun 1822 Hunterdon Co, NJ. There’s conjecture that Margaret’s maiden name is MOORE and she married a PETTY before Evans Godown LAKE, but that’s all it is … conjecture.
Judy Biebesheimer
February 5, 2016 @ 11:16 am
Like Cynthia, I have a stonewall Moore in Hunterdon County. Mercy Moore married Godfrey Chamberlain 17 August 1779 in Hunterdon County, born abt 1762, and died in Seneca County, Ohio, 8 Aug, 1949.She is of the right time frame for this Moore family but I have never been able to find her parents for the more than 20 years I have been looking.
Rick Moore
February 16, 2016 @ 12:19 am
Hi Judy,
If your Mercy Moore was related to my ancestors, she was likely a grandchild of either Jacob or his brother Johannes. Johannes settled in the Spruce Run area. Jacob settled in Amwell. The really confusing part is that they both had the same full name, Johannes Jacob Mohr.
It may be possible that one of Jacob’s grandchildren, Solomon, and his wife, Ruth Browne, had a daughter named Mercy Anne. She was probably born in the early 1800s (1810-1815?). Solomon was the son of Daniel, who was the son of Jacob of Amwell. If Solomon and Ruth named their daughter Mercy, she may have been named for an older cousin or aunt. Hope this gives you something to investigate.
Marfy This Month | Hunterdon County Historical Society
February 5, 2016 @ 4:32 pm
[…] last post described the owners of the Moore Cemetery in Delaware Township. Now it’s time to take A Stroll Through The Moore Cemetery to see who is buried […]
Marfy This Month
February 17, 2016 @ 8:06 pm
[…] last post described the owners of the Moore Cemetery in Delaware Township. Now it’s time to take A Stroll Through The Moore Cemetery to see who is buried […]
Holly McClanen Hart
October 13, 2018 @ 12:17 am
Does anybody have information about Alexander McClanen the husband of Mary Hoppack 1804-1869, She is the daughter of Joseph Hoppack 1765-1819 and Anne Moore 1767-1866. they are all buried in the Lower Amwell Old Yard.
R. Craig Kammerer
February 23, 2019 @ 9:38 am
Does anyone have any records Of a Henry Moore—-this ref.: Missing MonCo Marriages article in GMNJ, Jan. 1988, p. 18, by Edward J. Raser, marrs. due to JP Joseph Goodenough; Henry Moore marr. Rebecca Marks, 1/2/1829, Howell Twp., MonCo.. I believe that their son was a Richmond F. Moore [7/31/1831 – 4/6/1890] , born Howell Twp., MonCo. of unk. parents, Richmond is in 1850 census with an unk. family, no relation; neither an appropriate Henry nor Rebecca are found in 1850