There has been a Baptist Church in Locktown since the early 19th century, and a cemetery associated with it. The church and the cemetery were located on land belonging to Daniel Rittenhouse, whose home was a short distance west of Locktown on the Kingwood-Locktown Road. Most of the names in this cemetery are of families that lived nearby in Kingwood and Delaware Townships, many of them descendants of original German immigrants. Many of the original stones are now missing, even ones that were inventoried in the 1940s. Old cemeteries are hard to preserve.

The cemetery is on the north side of the Kingwood-Locktown Road, not far from the Locktown-Sergeantsville Road, and bordered on the north by the Wickecheoke Creek. Oddly enough it is not adjacent to the church lot, but there is reason to think an earlier church building was in fact adjacent.
A friend of the Locktown Stone Church has observed that the cemetery lot is triangular, and the graves in the east side (the wider side) are newer than the ones on the west side, where the triangle comes to a point. He suspects that the eastern side of the lot was at one time the location of an earlier Baptist church that is said to have existed in 1750. The east side is also higher than the west side, making it more attractive as a building location. But historians of the original church in Baptistown claim that he donated the lot for that location, not for Locktown. Since no deed was recorded, one is left to speculate.
The lot for the cemetery was conveyed by Daniel Rittenhouse to the church trustees (Thomas Lequear, Thomas Sherman, Adam Williamson, Uriah Sutton and George Opdycke), along with a lot for new church building, on May 29, 1819.1 It included this language:
“Whereas the Particular Baptist Church and Congregation in the Township of Kingwood aforesaid are desirous of building another house for public worship which will be more convenient for many of them than the one at Baptistown . . .”
This seems to argue against there having been an earlier church building at Locktown. The second lot being conveyed “is for a burying ground and a small distance from the first [lot] and adjoining the road leading from thence to Johnson’s Tavern . . .” Johnson’s Tavern was located in Route 519 in Kingwood.
Curiously, the church minutes for January 27, 1819 state the Rittenhouse would, in addition to the church lot, also “give ground for the enlargement of the graveyard to a hollow from the road to the Creek.”2 So, the cemetery did exist before 1819. But whether it was a church cemetery or an old family cemetery, I cannot say.
As of this date, the cemetery is owned by The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey, formerly known as “The New Jersey Baptist Convention.” Attempts have been made to acquire the cemetery from the Baptists, who are happy to convey it, but the State of NJ has a say in this, and so far, the Deputy Attorney General in charge of such things refuses to respond to requests. I suppose he has other things on his mind.
Attempts have been made over the years to repair and restore the graveyard. One of the earliest known attempts was in 1871, when a stone with that date inscribed on it was set into the stone wall facing the road. There have been at least a couple different Eagle Scout projects for fixing up the yard, and as years go by, there will need to be more. For a few years, the Locktown Grange maintained the yard, and later on, one of the neighbors pitched in. As long as the yard remains in the possession of the American Baptists, nothing will be done for it except by occasional volunteers. If the Friends of the Locktown Stone Church can acquire ownership, they can establish a regular maintenance program. Right now, things remain in limbo (probably along with some of those buried here).
Daniel Rittenhouse
As mentioned before, the cemetery lot came out of the property of Daniel Rittenhouse. His father, William Rittenhouse Jr., moved to this area in 1768 after inheriting a large acreage from his father William Rittenhouse Sr. This elder Rittenhouse was the original Rittenhouse settler in New Jersey, and is well-known to genealogists. His wife was Catharine Howell, sister of Daniel Howell who married the daughter of John Reading Sr. These families were the earliest settlers in the area north of Stockton and south of Rosemont.
William Rittenhouse Jr. was born around 1720, probably shortly after his father settled in Amwell. About 1745, he married Rebecca Harned, daughter of Edward Harned. They had 12 children, and Daniel Rittenhouse was the last of them, born on March 2, 1767.
About 1786, Daniel Rittenhouse married Jane Cartwright, daughter of Thomas Cartwright. She was christened in the Kingwood Baptist Church on Dec. 7, 1788, and is said to have had 18 children, most of whom died young. Unsurprisingly, she herself died young, in May 1817 at the age of 47.3 There is no gravestone for her in the Locktown Baptist Cemetery, but it is quite likely she was buried there. A year later, Daniel Rittenhouse conveyed the lot for the new church. For more about the life of Daniel Rittenhouse, see my post Daniel Rittenhouse of Locktown.
The Graves
The earliest gravestone here is dated 1793, with the initials “R B” and a G.A.R. flag holder. I have no idea who that might be, although there are families here by the names of Bailey, Bonham and Bray. G.A.R. stands for Grand Army of the Republic, which means it is a Civil War marker. Obviously, the date of 1793 could not pertain to such a veteran, even if it were a birth date. I thought the marker got misplaced, until I found another such marker at the grave of John Heath, who died in 1827 at the age of 78—another man who could not have fought in the Civil War.
As it turns out, we cannot rely on those G.A.R. flags to tell us who fought in the Civil War. The G.A.R. was originally open only to veterans of the war, plus a few who supported the group financially. According to John W. Kuhl, the markers were never expressly limited to Civil War veterans, and their locations could be
“simply the product of carelessness or ignorance. Graveside flowers and markers such as those of the G.A.R. were and are the enemy of those who had to mow the grass and otherwise tend the cemeteries. Markers that were inadvertently knocked down were just expeditiously stuck back up almost anywhere.”
There are many plain field stones of undetermined date that probably go back to the 18th century. These were found by Hiram Deats and W. Carroll Britton who examined the yard on May 30, 1940. They found it “in fair condition,” and copied down the names of those buried there. Deats wrote that there were three soldiers’ graves, but did not identify them. Many years later, in 1985, some boy scouts as an eagle scout project took an inventory and cleaned the yard. They counted close to 50 unmarked stones. Nearly all of the rest of the burials date to the middle 19th century.
Unidentified Stones
A B (no date), age 64
This was not Andrew Bray, who died age 59, and not Anderson Bray, who died age 86. It might have been Amos Bonham (see below).
R B 1793 (G.A.R. flag holder)
A C 1827 x O C 5x Ann x D E x AGED 47 ANNO [b.1780]
G [A?] R 1808 – possibly a child of Daniel & Jane Rittenhouse
I W – possibly a member John Wert
Families and Individuals
HANNAH BAILEY HOWARD, d. 17 Feb 1833, age 21-4-5 (born 12 Oct 1811), d/o Nicholas Bailey; granddaughter of Wm. Bailey Sr. and Hannah Warford; m. Samuel Howard (c.1805-?). I have no information on Samuel Howard. There is a Clarissa Bailey buried in the Locktown Christian Church (c.1786-1866), but I do not know if she was related.
David Bateman was probably the most beloved pastor of the Locktown Baptist congregation. He came to Hunterdon County from Cumberland County in 1817, not long before the current church building was erected. In the 1820s he oversaw a religious revival and a large increase in the church’s membership. Rev. Bateman was not actually buried in the cemetery; his grave is located under the altar table inside the church. A marble table top serves as his grave marker and reads:
Sacred / to the memory of / Rev. David Bateman,
whom Jesus calle’d from this life / September, 10th / A.D. 1832,
in the 55th year / of his age.
This is followed by an inscription testifying to the high esteem in which he was held. (Note: I neglected to include Bateman’s gravestone in the original version of this article.)
Moses Bonham (born 1828, died in 1898, s/o Uriah Bonham & Elizabeth Everitt) is buried in the Locktown Christian Church cemetery, along with his wife Mary Ann Carrell, and their sons Frank & Samuel. Also there is Moses’ brother Alpheus Bonham (1821-1898) and his wife Sarah Elizabeth Carrell. But here in the Baptist Cemetery we have:
A B age 64. This might be Amos Bonham 11 May 1752 – 5 Apr 1817, father of Anna Bonham who married Uriah Sutton. But another record says he was buried in the Rosemont Cemetery with wife Rebecca Rittenhouse (1758-1830).
Anna Bonham Sutton, 30 Oct 1861, age 70 years (born 23 Jul 1785), d/o Amos Bonham & Rebecca Rittenhouse; granddaughter of Wm. Rittenhouse & Rebecca Harned; wife of Uriah Sutton (1779-1849).

JACKSON BRAY, 16 Feb 1827 age 11 years 4 months. Full name was Sylvanus Jackson Bray, son of Andrew Bray and Sarah Rittenhouse. His stone is pictured right.
PARMER BRYAN (7 Jun 1807 – 4 May 1881), s/o Araham Bryan & Anne Robert; m. Elizabeth Myers (1811-1870), d/o Cornelius Myers & Hannah French. It is likely that Elizabeth Myers Bryan is also buried here.4
CATHERINE CRIPS MYERS, 6 Mar 1889, age 76-7-12 (born 25 Jul 1812), d/o Herbert Crips & Anna Myers; granddaughter of Simon & Elizabeth Myers; m. Elijah Myers (below).
DERUMPLE (Dalrymple)
George M. Dalrymple (1806-1852) was running the Locktown tavern in 1839 when the schism took place, but as far as I can tell, none of his family is buried here, and I do not know how George might have been related to the following (they may have been his siblings):
John Derumple, 7 Mar 1868, age 89-0-3 (born 4 May 1779); parents not identified; m. 1) Hannah Pyatt, d/o James Pyatt & Sarah King; m. 2) Hannah Rittenhouse, d/o Moses Rittenhouse and Mary F. Nye; had daughters Mary and Catharine.
Note: There is some reason to think this John Derumple/Dalrymple might have been the son of Samuel Dalrymple instead. This family needs more research.
Mary Sherman Derumple, 19 Sep 1831 age 48-9-8 (born 11 Dec 1782); d/o Thomas Sherman, and wife of John Derumple. My original post said she might have been a sister of John Derumple.
Thomas Derumple, 5 Sep 1828 age 23-11-19 (born 16 Sep 1804); s/o John and Mary Derumple. (This is a correction from the original post which did not identify his parents.)
SARAH DILLEY MYERS, 15 Jun 1860 age 79 years (born about 1781), parents not known; first wife of Elijah Myers; had son Dea. Cornelius Myers (1806-1891). I wonder if she might have been related to Elizabeth Dilly who married Peter Myers and had son Tunis D. Myers.
Note: A Sarah Dilts (c.1811-1869), parents not known, m. Silas A. Harden; the couple was buried in the Locktown Christian Church Cemetery.
Hannah Dilts, 5 Apr 1857, age 90, (born about 1767), wife of Henry
Henry Dilts, 28 Jul 1849, age 88 (born about 1761); parents not known; m. Hannah (above). This family owned a large farm along Locktown School Road.

William Dils (Dilts), Sr., 22 Oct 1840, age 85-7-9 (born 13 Mar 1755). “He was a member of the Baptist Church in Kingwood for 42 years and liv’d an ornament to his profession” (stone pictured here); s/o John and Mary Dilts; m. 1) Sarah Smith (c.1778-c.1804) in 1798; m. 2) Mary Snyder (below).
HANNAH FRENCH MYERS, 15 Oct 1868, age 79-8-0 (born 15 Feb 1789), d/o Jeremiah French & Hannah Williams; m. 1810 Cornelius Myers, brother of Elijah Myers.
SARAH HARTPENCE EVERITT, 29 Mar 1775 – 24 Oct 1836; d/o John Eber Hartpence and Hannah Kitchen; wife of Daniel Everitt, who died before 1819. I am not certain that her grave is here.
The Heaths were a very important family in the Locktown area, starting with Andrew and Mary Heath, who were living here as early as 1727. I hope to write an article about this family sometime in the future. Aside from the names below, there are several Heaths buried in the Locktown Christian Church Cemetery.
Catharine Heath Kise, 15 Jun 1887, age 70-11-23 (born 22 Jun 1816), d/o Daniel Heath & Rebecca Sherman; wife of James L. Kise.
Daniel Heath, (stone illegible) – cannot identify him.
Daniel Heath, 21 Feb 1831, age 3-1-17 (born 4 Jan 1828), s/o George D. Heath (below) and Mary R. Heath.
Daniel Heath, 12 May 1791 – 4 Feb 1878, age 86-8-23, s/o Richard Heath & Catharine Rittenhouse; m. Rebecca Sherman. Their daughter Maranda Heath m. Francis Rittenhouse, and is buried with him in the Locktown Christian Church cemetery.

Garret Heath, 15 Aug 1786 – 21 May 1862, age 76 years, s/o Capt. John Heath & Jane Lake; m. Dinah Sherman. Stone pictured here.
George D. Heath, 13 Apr 1850, age 47-5-0 (born 13 Nov 1802), s/o Richard Heath & Catharine Rittenhouse; m. Mary R. Heath (30 Mar 1810 – 13 Mar 1900), d/o Elijah Heath Sr. & Catharine Kemple; she is not but here, but instead in the Locktown Christian Church Cemetery. Also their son Edward Mason Heath (1837-1916).
Jacob Heath, 15 Feb 1831, age 1-2-25, son of George & Mary Heath.
John Heath, 17 Jan 1827, age 78 years (G.A.R. flag holder), s/o Andrew & Magdalene Heath, also known as Capt. John Heath; m. Jane or Jean Lake (c.1755-after 1817), d/o Garret & Sarah Lake. Her grave has not been identified.
Richard Heath, 13 Feb 1849, age 90, (born 14 Jul 1759, G.A.R. flag holder), s/o of Andrew & Magdalene Heath; m. 1) Catharine Rittenhouse (below); Sarah Tilman accused Richard Heath of being the father of her unborn child in 1780. Children of Richard and Catharine were William 1782, Andrew 1784 (died young), Elizabeth 1787, Jacob 1789, Daniel 1791, Anna/Nancy 1792, Peter 1794, Benjamin 1796, Rebecca 1799, George D. 1802.
William Heath Sr., 22 Aug 1841, age 59 years (born 22 Aug 1782), s/o of Richard Heath & Catharine Rittenhouse; m. a cousin, Ann Rittenhouse (below). Parents Richard and Catharine are also buried here.
The Higgins family of Hunterdon goes back a long way. Among the earliest to settle in Hunterdon was Jonathan Higgins (1725-1813) and wife Ann Britton (1730-1811), and their four children, none of whom is buried here.
John Higgins, 22 Jun 1842 age 73-0-22 (born 31 May 1769), parents not known; m. Priscilla Werts. I have scoured the Higgins Genealogy by Mrs. Katherine Chapin Higgins (1918), and have not found any mention of him. The Higgins family in Hunterdon County was substantial, so it is surprising that he does not link up with them.
Mary Higgins, 29 May 1824 age 28 years (born about 1796); probably the daughter of John Higgins & Priscilla Werts.
An Enoch Hoffman (c.1807-1880) is buried in the Locktown Christian Church cemetery, but I have not been able to connect him with Rebecca Hoffman or her father William.
Lucretia Hoffman Miers, n.d., age 20-7-21 (born abt 1820), d/o William Hoffman (c.1775-bef. 1850) & Catharine Hummel; m. Elijah Miers (1781-1860).
Rebecca Hoffman, 16 Dec 1814 – 15 Mar 1835, age 20, d/o William & Catherine Hoffman. Died unmarried.
CATHERINE HUMMEL, 24 Oct 1780 – 3 Sep 1850, wife of William Hoffman; d/o Elijah Hummel (Deats wrote that her granite stone was “recently set.”)
CATHARINE (CATHRINA) JOHNSON RITTENHOUSE, 5 Sep 1834, age 82 (born 24 Jun 1753), d/o Johannis & Rachel Johnson; second wife of Benjamin Rittenhouse (1746-1821).
JAMES L. KISE, 19 May 1893, age 74-7-10 (born 9 Oct 1818), s/o Lewis Kise (1797-1871); m. Catharine Heath, d/o Daniel Heath & Rebecca Sherman. As far as I can tell, they did not have children.
Johannes Albertus Mires and wife Catharine were living at the corner of Ferry Road and Locktown-Flemington Road as early as 1745. They had five sons; four of them raised their families here (Cornelius, Simon, Albertus and John).
Anna Mires, 14 Jan 1796 – 4 Dec 1852, age 61-8-20 (age & dates don’t agree), d/o John Myers & Rebecca Wolverton; never married.

Christian Mires, c.1760 – 27 Sep 1849. parents not known; m. John Myers (below); mother of Francis Mires (below).
Elijah Myers, 15 Jun 1860, age 79 (born about 1781), s/o Cornelius & Elizabeth Myers; m. 1) Sarah Dilley; m. 2) Lucretia Huffman. Not to be confused with a later Elijah Myers (c.1815-1850) who married Catharine Crips (above).
Elizabeth Myers Rittenhouse, 27 Jun 1799 – 27 Jun 1857, age 58, d/o John Myers & Rebecca Wolverton; m. Daniel Rittenhouse; sister of Anna Mires and Simon Mires.
Francis Mires, 17 Oct 1805 – 6 Dec 1862, age 57-1-24, s/o John & Christian Mires.
John Mires, 24 Feb 1841 (born Mar 1759), s/o Johannes Albertus & Catharine Mires; m. 1) Rebecca Wolverton d/o Daniel Wolverton & Hannah Chamberlin; father of Anna Mires & Simon Mires; m. 2) Christian; father of Francis Mires.
Simon Mires, 7 Aug 1800 – 23 Oct 1857 age 57-2-16; s/o John Mires & Rebecca Wolverton; never married.
AMY READING HARRISON, 21 Jun 1856 age 75 (born 21 Jun 1856), d/o Joseph Reading Esq. and Amy Pierson; wife of Cornelius Harrison (c.1780-April 1797). Cornelius was not buried here; he came from Rocky Hill, Somerset County. She seems to be the only Reading buried here.
The early history of the Rittenhouse family has been previously described. The principal Rittenhouse families in the Locktown area were descendants of brothers Benjamin (1746-1821) and Daniel Rittenhouse (1767-1848).
Amos Rittenhouse (no date or age), born c.1825, s/o James Rittenhouse & Abigail Mattison, probably died young.
Ann Rittenhouse Heath, 20 Sep 1795 – 11 Sep 1878, age 82-11-21, d/o Benj. W. Rittenhouse and Elizabeth Roberson (who are not buried here); wife of William Heath Sr.
Benjamin Rittenhouse, 29 Dec 1821, age 75 (born 17 Dec 1746), d/o Wm. Rittenhouse ii & Rebecca Harned, brother of Catharine Rittenhouse Heath and Daniel Rittenhouse; m. 1) Elizabeth Fowler (c.1745-1806); m. 2) Cathrina Johnson.
Catharine Rittenhouse Heath, 10 Jan 1830, age 68 (born 1762), d/o William Rittenhouse ii & Rebecca Harned; m. Richard Heath (1759-1849)

Daniel Rittenhouse, 19 May 1848, age 81-2-11 (born 2 Mar 1767), s/o Wm. Rittenhouse ii & Rebecca Harned; m. 1) Jane Cartwright (c.770-1817); m. 2) Elizabeth Myers (1799-1857). Daniel Rittenhouse’s gravestone was vandalized but later found, broken in half. It is now stored inside the Locktown Stone Church. Their son Francis Rittenhouse married Maranda Heath, and both of them are buried in the Locktown Christian Church cemetery. Also their daughter Sarah Ann, who married John M. Chamberlin.
Edward Rittenhouse, 9 Dec 1768 – 17 May 1821, d/o Benj. W. Rittenhouse & Elizabeth Fowler; m. Elizabeth Bray (1778-1845)
Elizabeth Rittenhouse, (no date or age), d/o J[ames] & A[bigail] Rittenhouse; probably died young.
George Rittenhouse (c.1795-1808), s/o Daniel Rittenhouse & Jane Cartwright.
Joseph M. Rittenhouse, 14 Dec 1830, age 7-7-5, son of James and Abigail Rittenhouse.
Mary Rittenhouse, 23 Dec 1830, age 2-7-3, daughter of James and Abigail Rittenhouse. James Rittenhouse died in 1873; Abigail in 1881; neither of them were buried here.

JOHN SHEPHERD, SR., 8 Jun 1860, age 84-2-27 (born 17 Mar 1776), s/o Richard Shepherd & Mary Servis; m. Margaret Sherred. Deacon in the Baptist Church.
Thomas Shearman (5 May 1751 – 15 Nov 1831) of Kingwood, s/o Edw. Shearman Sr. and Elizabeth Tomlinson, m. 1) Mary Waterhouse, d/o Joshua Waterhouse & Elizabeth Ingham, had son Edward (26 Oct 1774 – 12 May 1852) who died unmarried. Thomas Shearman m. 2) Mary Tomlinson (c.1758-1831), d/o Francis Tomlinson & Elizabeth Wolverton. None of these people is known to have been buried in the Locktown Baptist Church Cemetery.
Dinah Sherman Heath, 11 Jul 1787 – 20 Feb 1849, age 67 years, “Mother”; d/o Thomas Shearman & Mary Tomlinson; m. Garret Heath.
Rebecca Sherman Heath, 23 Nov 1796 – 7 Sep 1879, age 82-9-14, d/o Thomas Shearman & Mary Tomlinson; m. Daniel Heath.
MARGARET SHERRED SHEPHERD, 5 Sep 1834, age 62-6-19 (born 17 Jan 1772), d/o John Sherred & Elizabeth Fleming; wife of John Shepherd Sr.
The earliest Snyder to settle around here was Jacob Peter Snyder (Sniter) and wife Elizabeth Catharina Lott. They bought land in the Haddon proprietary tract. Their son Peter (c.1735-1778) married Lenah Young and had son Christopher Snyder (1761-c,1848), who married first Elizabeth Pegg. They had 11 children, including Peter Snyder (b. abt 1783), whose first wife was Fanny Rittenhouse, daughter of Daniel and Jane Rittenhouse.
Charity ‘Carrie’ Snyder Mires, 12 Nov 1886, age 90-3-5 (born 7 Aug 1796), d/o Christopher Snyder & Elizabeth Pegg, granddaughter of Peter Snyder & Lenah Young; supposedly the widow of Charles Wert, Jacob Race, and John Mires. I have no information on any of these three. She was buried as Carrie Mires. Charity’s father Christopher was a brother of Mary Snyder Dilts, and was buried at the Baptistown Cemetery.
Correction, 8/28/2020: John Merkin (see comments, below) points out that John Wert was Charity Snyder’s first husband, and Charles was their son (he is not buried here). More research is needed to distinguish between the Charity Snyder married to John Werts and daughter of Christopher Snyder, and a Charity Snyder born June 13, 1798 in Franklin Township, possible daughter of John Snyder.
Mary Snyder Dilts, 22 Mar 1840, age 82-3-1 (born Dec. 21, 1757) d/o Peter Snyder and Lenah Young; m. William Dilts Sr. “She was a member of the Baptist Church in Kingwood for 40 years and liv’d an ornament to her profession.”
William H. Snyder (1832-1905), s/o Wm. Snyder & Hannah Horner, great grandson of Peter Snyder & Lenah Young, was buried in the Locktown Christian Church cemetery.
The Sutton family migrated from Plymouth, Massachusetts to Piscataway, New Jersey. From there various branches of the family moved into Hunterdon County, some to northern Hunterdon, others to Amwell township. Jonas and Elizabeth Sutton were the first of the family in Amwell, and their grandson Uriah is buried here.

Amos Sutton, 17 Jan 1820, age 5-8-4 (born 13 Aug 1814), s/o Uriah Sutton & Anna Bonham.
Rebecca Sutton, 18 Feb 1824, age 5-2-5 (born 16 Apr 1818), d/o Uriah Sutton & Anna Bonham.
Uriah Sutton, 17 Aug 1849, age 70 years (born 6 Sep 1779), s/o John Sutton & Dinah Bonham; m. Anna Bonham.
PHILIP SWALLOW, 27 Jul 1853, age 59-2-10 (born 17 May 1794); parents not identified.
In the original post I incorrectly stated that this Philip Swallow married Hannah Teeple, d/o Peter Teeple & Sarah Pegg. In fact, it was an older Philip Swallow, born in 1772. See comment below from Chris Elliott.
The early Wert family of this vicinity began with German immigrants, Henry and Elizabeth Werts, who owned property on Whiskey Lane in the 18th century. They had 9 children, but as far as is known, only two of them are buried here, Peter and Priscilla. Henry Wert died about 1809. His widow Elizabeth survived him until 1830, when she died at the age of 101, at Baptistown.
Amy Wert Rittenhouse, 2 Nov 1850, age 26-2-9, (born 24 Aug 1824), d/o John Wert & Charity Snyder; first wife of George D. Rittenhouse. Daughter Mary Elizabeth m. Andrew J. Dalrymple.
Elizabeth Werts, 6 May 1851, age 77 (born abt 1774); parents not known; wife of John Wert, mother of Amy and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Werts, 15 Sep 1834, age 13-0-10 (born 5 Sep 1821), d/o John Wert & Charity Snyder.
John Werts (Wort), 2 Dec 1825, age 30 (born abt 1795), s/o Peter & Elizabeth Werts; m. Charity Snyder 1817.
Peter Werts, 3 Mar 1847, age 75 (born about 1772), s/o Henry & Elizabeth Werts; m. Elizabeth (maiden name not known). Daughter Elizabeth married Joseph Lair, who donated a lot to the Locktown Christian Church.
Priscilla Werts Higgins, 5 Feb 1834, age 59-5-13 (born 23 Aug 1774), wife of John Higgins. She may have been the daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Werts, and sister of Peter.
Some would prefer to have this list presented in the order in which the graves appear on the ground. There is much to be gained from that kind of list, as it can indicate a family connection that might otherwise be missed. The list compiled by Hiram Deats and W. Carroll Britton on May 30, 1940 is arranged that way, but the later list assembled for the Eagle Scout project is not. The Deats list can be found at the Hunterdon County Historical Society.
- H. C. Deed, Book 30 p. 158. ↩
- Phyllis D’Autrechy, Some Records of Old Hunterdon County, p. 103. ↩
- Records of the Kingwood Baptist Church. ↩
- Bryan’s descendant, Pat Shamy, wrote an extensive family genealogy, Sam Bryan & the Pole Farm : history, genealogy & family stories, in 2004, which can be found at the Hunterdon Co. Historical Society. ↩
Marfy Goodspeed
February 21, 2015 @ 5:58 pm
This comment comes from Art Day:
Sarah Hartpence Everitt,29 Mar 1775- 24 Oct. 1836 d/o Johannes Hartpence and wife of
Daniel Everitt,16 Apr. 1769- 5 Aug. 1818, both are in the Old Cemetery of Baptistown, Hunterdon,NJ.
Daniel was the son of Daniel Everitt and Rachel Howell.
Chris Elliott
February 22, 2015 @ 1:45 pm
I am not sure that this is the same Phillip Swallow who married Hannah Teeple. According to the information below, he would have only been 1 years old when he married Hannah Teeple. This is a different man, or the translation of the inscription is incorrect. I have Hannah’s husband dying around 1832. Could the death date be 1833 not 53??
PHILIP SWALLOW, 27 Jul 1853, age 59-2-10 (born 17 May 1794); parents not identified; m. Hannah Teeple 1795. She was the d/o Peter Teeple & Sarah Pegg.
Marfy Goodspeed
February 23, 2015 @ 6:53 am
Excellent point, Chris. I should have caught that. It appears that the Phillip Swallow who was married to Hannah Teeple was born Oct. 17, 1772, according to the Wm. Swallow family bible. He was the son of John & Catharine Swallow. I do not have parents for the Phillip Swallow born 1794 and buried here. Perhaps he was a son of Phillip and Hannah.
February 27, 2015 @ 5:31 pm
Thank you so much for the reply. I have been trying to find info on Phillip swallow and his wife Hannah Teeple for some time. Hannah died in mount Morris NY in 1866. The census says she had 6 children . I know two of them Teeple P. Swallow and Elizabeth wife of Daniel Bartolomew. Is there c chance I could get a copy of the Bible that you referenced?
Marfy Goodspeed
March 1, 2015 @ 11:35 am
The Bible can be found at the Hunterdon Co. Historical Society. It is the William Swallow Family Bible, no. CS074. Copies are permitted.
Marfy This Month: Feb 2015 | Hunterdon County Historical Society
February 28, 2015 @ 10:13 am
[…] Feb 20th, The Locktown Baptist Cemetery […]
Janice Earliene Carr
March 3, 2015 @ 8:29 pm
My husband is descended from the SNYDER FAMILY of Hunterdon, County, N.J., which I will get to later! My husband James William Carr of Washington, D.C., his father is James Entwisle Carr of same – his Mother, Olive Ida SNYDER of Ridgewood, N.J.. (dau. Of Gardiner JOHNSON SNYDER & Elizabeth “Lizzie” Amy LAIR – dau. Of John LAIR & Mary HANN, which both died young & different family members raised her, but mainly her grandparents, Edmund P. HANN & Elizabeth Maclone/ McAloan did. As well as her father’s oldest. sibling (sister, Amy LAIR APGAR ( wife of Lewis B. APGAR) & her LAIR grandparents, Philip & Mary LAIR, both born in 1798. See 1850 N.J. Census. Many people says MARY (Philip’s wife) was a SNYDER. WOULD ANYONE ON THIS WEBSITE KNOW? Also I have heard that Philip Lair’s Mother was a JOHNSON? IF SO, IT WOULD CERTAINTLY BE A COINCIDENCE AS MY HUSBAND’s MOTHER’s FAMILY ARE SNYDERS & JOHNSON’S as WELL! Her parents I have already listed. HIS parents were Wesley W. SNYDER & Emma JOHNSON (dau. Of Elias JOHNSON & Duttila GANO married 1844 in KINGSWOOD TOWNSHIP, Hunterdon Co., N.J.. I DON’t have ELIAS’ line any further back, but I have all his children. If interested, I will send later. I have Dutilla’s line back to the GREENS & CLIFFORDS, BUT NOT PROVEN. (THE BEST OF MY MEMORY ARE GANOS, BEAVERS, CLIFFORDS, WOOLVERTONS, COWDRICK& OTHER?). The SNYDERS line are
Marfy This Month: March 2015 | Hunterdon County Historical Society
March 16, 2015 @ 11:24 am
[…] Feb 20th, The Locktown Baptist Cemetery […]
Jack Merkin
August 28, 2020 @ 8:10 am
Charity ‘Carrie’ Snyder Mires was first married to John Weart (Werts, Wort) [1795-1825] on Sept 20, 1817. Their first SON was Charles (1821-1881). Charity was my 3rd great grandmother. See Merkin family tree on