I am publishing this article now because it ties in with the other articles I have recently written about residents of or near the village of Sandbrook in Delaware Township. This is one of Mr. Bush’s articles that could be taken as an historical document in itself, because it includes the contents of two old records—an account book from the 1830s and an old family bible.
I have highlighted some of the names that Mr. Bush mentions in his article to indicate the ones I comment on.
Old Account Book Reveals Dealings Of Sand Brook Folk
Its Owner, “John Moore,” Had
a Great Variety of Activities
Whole Pig Sold For 50 Centsby Egbert T. Bush, Stockton, N.J.
Hunterdon County Democrat, October 10, 1935To my friend, Hart Moore of Stockton, I am indebted for a chance to peruse an interesting old account book. The name of the man who kept the accounts, once written on the back has become almost obliterated by time and hard usage. I can easily read the old-time “His Book” after the name; and also the date 1833. The name itself seemed too far gone for many who tried to read it. At last our keen-eyed young friend Vincent Ent, clerk in the Mutual Store here, with the aid of a reading glass and the art of discarding what probably was never meant for a part of the name, succeeded in making it read quite clearly: “John Moore, His Book, 1833.” Tho all efforts to find a John Moore that might fit the conditions have been failures, we shall have to let it go as “John Moore His Book” until, if ever, something definite can be learned.
Hart Moore
The Hart Moore that Mr. Bush considered his friend was most likely Hart D. Moore (1871-1941) who was the son of George Moore (1837-1902) and Annie L. Sutton (1838-1927), and the grandson of Acker Moore, who is mentioned often in this article.1
Census records can tell a lot about people. Hart Moore shows up in every census from 1870 to 1940. In 1870, when he was 5 months old, he was listed with his parents George Moore 33, a farmer, mother Anna 31, keeping house, and his older brother Amos age 3. By 1880, the Moore family was enlarged to include brothers Charles 8 and Lambert 6. They were listed on the same page as other Sandbrook families. George Moore acquired property from his father Acker Moore in a deed of 1874.2
Hart D. Moore’s wife was Myra Lambert (1869-1946), daughter of Alfred Lambert and Mary Lucinda Bellis. She and Hart Moore married on Dec. 8, 1897 in the Presbyterian Church at Mount Airy. Three years later, Hart and Myra Moore were living in West Amwell, where Hart rented a farm near Allen Moore, who was 62 years of age, one year younger than Hart’s father George. And yet, George and Allen Moore were not related, as far as I can tell.
By 1910 Hart & Myra Moore had moved to the Woodsville-Lambertville Road in Hopewell Township, and by 1920, they were living in Stockton. In 1935, when Mr. Bush had his conversation with Hart Moore, he was 64 years old, living in an apartment at 123 Bridge St. in Stockton with wife Myra also 60, and son Orville age 23, clerk for the railroad. Moore was working as a laborer in a rubber mill. He died in 1941; Myra died in 1946. Both were buried in the Rosemont Cemetery.
Vincent Ent
John Vincent Ent, who was able to decipher the handwriting in the old account book, was born in 1915 to George Hockenbury Ent and Adaline Nonich. He lived his life in Stockton and married Alice E. Hewitt, daughter of William G. Hewitt and Edna Irene Lamont. It is remarkable to me that this couple, Vincent and Alice, died only eight years ago, in 2010. I could have visited them if I had known better.
John Moore
My candidate for the John Moore who owned the account book is John S. Moore (Oct. 16, 1773 – Sept. 23, 1848), son of Henry S. Moore and Mary Groff. He married Hannah Trout (Jan. 15, 1771 – Oct. 16, 1865) on March 17, 1796. She was the daughter of George Trout and Johannah Lequear.
Correction: As Philip Foss has pointed out, the John S. Moore I was describing was actually born in 1746, and died on Sept. 23, 1818, as can be seen on his gravestone. It appears that the person who added Moore’s name to Find-a-Grave misread the death date (1848 v. 1818) and got the birth date from subtracting the age. I agree with Philip that the date reads 1818. This creates a problem. He is now too old to be a child of Henry Moore, who was born in 1737. I cannot say who his parents might have been.
The John Moore who married Hannah Trout in 1796 died in October 1847, based on the date that his will was recorded. He as probably born in the early 1770s to Henry Moore and Mary Akers-Groff. He was also the John Moore who acted as executor of the estate of his grandmother Anna Groff in 1810, and in 1812 a John Moore as executor of the estate of his mother-in-law, Johannah Lequear Trout.
In 1815, Henry S. Moore bequeathed to his son John his 130-acre farm on Britton Road. . In his will of Oct 8, 1847, John Moore ordered his executors, William Sergeant and John M. Gray, to sell his real estate. It was purchased by Jacob C. Johnson.3 As far as I can tell, that was the farm owned by Henry S. Moore, who wrote his will on April 25, 1818, in which he named the people who bordered his farm.
Returning to Mr. Bush’s article:
Whoever the interesting accountant was, he appears to have lived in or about Sand Brook, most of the entries using the names of people known to have lived in that vicinity. However the name “Sand Brook” does not appear therein until 1870. The book had probably changed owners long before that time. At the top of one page we find this heading: “Acker Moore Book, Oct. 18, 1851.” From that time the entries become less varied in character, tho some of the hand writing looks much like that of earlier dates. It is well established that Acker Moore, grandfather of Hart Moore, was not the original owner.

Acker Moore
Acker Moore, fourth child of Jonathan Moore and Sarah Hoppock, and grandson of Josiah Moore (1747-c.1835) and Mary Lake (1749-?), was born in 1804. His grandmother Mary was the daughter of John Lake who owned a farm southeast of Sandbrook. (See the Lake Family Tree.) Acker Moore was also grandson of John and Mary Hoppock. This is the John Hoppock who owned 280 acres in the Haddon Tract, just west of Sandbrook.4 So Acker Moore had significant roots in the Sandbrook area. He had five siblings, born 1797-1811: Henry, Mary, Josiah, Jerusha and John Reading Moore.
If Acker and John Moore were related, I have not found the connection. Acker’s father Jonathan was about the same age as John, but came from a completely different line of Moores. Could it be that Jonathan Moore called himself John Moore when labeling his account book?
Acker’s father Jonathan served in the Kingwood militia and fought in the Whiskey Rebellion. In 1834, Jonathan Moore signed a petition for a road to run from Sandbrook to the road from his property to the Dunkard Church.5 This appears to have been the Sandbrook-Headquarters Road, even though that road had first been made public in the 18th century. (See Benjamin Tyson’s Mill.) But it does not help me figure out where Jonathan Moore’s farm was located. There are no deeds recorded in Hunterdon showing a purchase of land in Amwell Township by Jonathan Moore.
In his will of November 28, 1840, Jonathan Moore bequeathed to son Acker Moore “who now reside with me,” his desk and large bible. To his beloved wife Sarah he left one cow, bureau, trunk, arm chair, bed & bedding as she chooses to keep. His wearing apparel was to be divided equally between his three sons Josiah, Acker and Reading.
He ordered the residue of his estate, excepting “grain in stack and in the ground, the beef and pork no feeding,” which were to be kept for the use of the family, to be sold and the proceeds used to pay debts and support his widow. After her decease the residue was to be equally divided among the five children or their heirs. So nothing specific was said about his real estate. Jonathan Moore’s name does not appear in the Index of Hunterdon County Deeds as a grantor, even as “dec’d.” His son Acker Moore was executor of his estate along with Jonathan Moore’s friend (and neighbor) William Sergeant. (See The Rake Cemetery.)
I suspect Acker Moore got possession of his father’s farm, but there is no deed recorded to show that he did. I cannot say exactly where Jonathan Moore resided. As for Acker Moore, he took up residence on the property acquired by his mother Sarah Hoppock. On May 26, 1846, Sarah Moore, widow of Jonathan Moore, conveyed to son Acker Moore her “half moiety or one full equal undivided half part” of two lots in Delaware Township, one being a 2-acre woodlot, but the other being 52.64 acres which can be seen on the tax map today as Block 25 lot 44-47.6 (The map is shown toward the end of this article.) Sarah Moore acquired these lots from her father’s estate on April 1, 1819. Perhaps she and husband Jonathan moved there at that time, which would explain the lack of real estate for Jonathan Moore.
Acker Moore married Phebe Miller on May 30, 1833, Rev. Charles Bartolette presiding. Acker was 30 years old and Phoebe was 28. She was born 1805, and died 1897, age 91, fifteen years after the death of Acker Moore, on December 30, 1882. The couple was buried in the Sandy Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery.7
Like his father, Acker Moore signed a road petition, this one in 1841, to run from the Dutch [German] Baptist Church, in the village of Sandbrook, to Route 523, from a corner of Asa Moore’s land through lands of William Sergeant and Charles P. Holcombe, and ending at Mrs. Rea’s mill. This eventually became part of Yard Road.8 (See Rounsavells, part two.)
In 1847, Acker Moore was chosen to be a County Freeholder, representing Delaware Township, along with Jacob Godown. He was elected again in 1851 and 1853. I will have more to say about Acker Moore below. But for now, let us return to Mr. Bush’s article, jumping forward to Acker’s grandson Charles:
“By deed dated May 25, 1921, Charles Moore (son of George) and wife conveyed the premises [the farm of Acker Moore], 59.49 acres, to Toni Markunas. February 1, 1903, the other heirs of George Moore conveyed the property to Charles Moore. Acker Moore and wife conveyed the same, with other lands to George Moore for $5,000, April 11, 1874. “Being the same premises which Sarah Hoppock, now Sarah Moore, widow of Jonathan Moore, purchased of John G. Trimmer, Henry Aller and Jacob P. Fisher, commissioners appointed to divide the real estate of John Hoppock, by deed dated April 1, 1819.” [emphasis added]
This definitely needs some explaining: As mentioned above, Acker Moore’s mother was Sarah Hoppock, daughter of John and Mary Hoppock. John Hoppock died intestate in 1816, leaving as heirs his wife Mary, and their four children: Cornelius Hoppock, c.1765-1835; John R. Hoppock, 1769-1853; Jacob Hoppock, c.1770-?; and Sarah Hoppock, (1775-1873).
John Hoppock died owning quite a lot of real estate, and since he died intestate, it all had to be sold to benefit the estate. Commissioners were named to divide the real estate, setting off lots to each of the heirs. Sarah Hoppock Moore bought 52 acres at $34/acre plus a two-acre lot for $109. I am a little puzzled by this. The Commissioners’ report of their division and the conveyance to Sarah can be found in John Hoppock’s estate papers, but there is no deed recorded of this sale to Sarah Hoppock Moore.[#. From Docket 02811, Estate of John Hoppock, H.C. Surrogate’s Court, Flemington, NJ, December 1818, Sale of lands of John Hoppock deceased of Amwell to benefit his heirs. Signed 2 Feb 1819 by Henry Aller, John G. Trimmer and Jacob P. Fisher. Reference to widow’s dower. John Hoppock (75 acres at 29.05) $2178.75; Henry Trimmer (lot 3, 2 acres @ 70.50) $141; Robert Bonham (lot 2, 2 acres @ 61.00) $122; Cornelius Hoppock (lot 4, 3 acres @ 60.00) $180; Cornelius Hoppock (lot 5, 3 acres @ 61.00) $183; Sarah Hoppock (52 acres @ 34.00) $1768; Sarah Hoppock (lot 1, 2 acres @ 54.50) $109.]
Let us return to the Moore account book and Mr. Bush’s article:
Owner Had Varied Activities
The old accountant heads his pages with “Amwell” until 1838; after that time the ___ [illegible; store owner ?] must have been a man of many and strangely-varied activities, all seemingly in a small way, as we shall see by the following samples of his entries:
“May 28, 1833, Asa Moore Dr. to Work 1½ Days, 75 cents.”
“June 20, Asa Moore Dr to 2¾ Days Mowing at 87½, $2.41.”
By this we see that, tho “common work” was worth only 50 cents a day, Asa had to pay 75 percent more for working in hay. This or even greater difference prevailed for a long time. Perhaps it is not wholly lost in these days of shorter hours and easier ways of doing the work.
First I should comment on the sentence: “The old accountant heads his pages with “Amwell” until 1838.” In 1838, Amwell township was divided into three separate townships: Delaware, Amwell (East & West Amwell today), and Raritan. The store obviously was located in Delaware Township. It is odd that Mr. Bush did not explain that.9
I was confused by the “Dr.” But Dr is a recognized term in accounting for debit. I would have thought it was Asa Moore who was being paid, but apparently, it was John Moore, being paid by Asa Moore. So, this was not simply an account book for a store, but for all the work that John Moore did for others.
Asa Moore
There were three Asa Moore’s in the neighborhood in 1833. At first I thought the most likely one in this case was John Moore’s nephew Asa, born in 1811 to Jacob Moore and Elizabeth Sine. But he was too young to be hiring someone to work for him. So, my preferred Asa was born 1806 to Gideon Moore and Catharine Yorks, part of the other Moore family of Sandbrook. He married Mary White on February 24, 1828. (See The Moore Family Tree.)
“July __ Abm conover Dr to Team 1 day drawing grain, $1.”
“Albertus Wagner Dr 1 Day Haying $1.12 ½.”
“July 15, Asa Dalrymple Dr to 1 Pig, 50 cents.”
I would like to discourse upon the personal histories of Abraham Conover, Albertus Wagner, and Asa Dalrymple, as well as Mahlon Conover, Jacob Smith, Ira Cronce and Daniel Larue, but that would make this article much longer than my usual limit. No doubt they will turn up again in future posts.
When Pork Was Pork
“Mahlon Conover Ddr to 2 Pigs, $1.”
Alas! Pig-raisers of that day had never dreamed of a way to make one pound of pork cost as much as they received for a whole live pig.
Two pigs for $1? That was exceedingly cheap when Mr. Bush was writing in 1935. It is unimaginable today.
“Aug. 6, Asa Moore Dr to ½ day splitting rails 25 cents.”
Hence it appears that “Old Abe’s” famous rail-splitting exploits were only common work, after all.
“Aug. 8, Jacob Smith Dr. to 2 Days working in shop, 41.”
“Oct. 17, Asa Dalrymple Dr to 2 Bushels Buckweat $1.12 ½.”
He always spelled wheat without the “h,” whether alone or in combination with “buck.”
“July 4, Ira Cronse Dr to 13 lb Veal at 3, 39 cents.”
“Feb. 14, 1835 Daniel Larue Dr to crying vendue, $1.”
Think of having a vendue “cried” for one dollar! But that was his usual charge. Only once is he found to have deviated. That was on Sept. 6, 1836, when he charged Henry Buchanan the extravagant sum of $1.50.
“July 4 1836, Peter Hoppock Dr to 4 yds muslin at 15, 60 cents.”
“Nov. 2, Asa Dalrymple Dr to 1 Pint of whiskey, 6 ½ cents.”
“May 20, 1837, Aron Runyon Dr to 7 ½ lb Iron, 36 ¼ cents.”
Sundry charges for Iron by the pound are scattered about. But there is no explanation as to the kind of iron, or why sold in that way.
“Nov. 28, Peter Hoppock Dr to 2 lbs Candles at 14, 28;
to 3 ½ yds sattinet at 80, $2.40; to 1 fur Hat, $3.25.”“June 2, 1838, Joseph Opdyke Dr to balance on uniform suit, $4.”
“Feb 8, 1839, Christn Dilts Dr to ½ Bushel Wite Corn, 41 cents.”
“John Hoppock, Administrator of estate of Mary Hoppock,
Dr to Witness fees at Flemington, 50 cents.”“Aug. 14, 1840, Elial Shepherd Dr to 13 ½ lbs mutton at 6 ¼, $1.00.”
“Dec. 29, 1840, Wm Dilts Dr to 70 lbs Beef at 4 ½, $3.15.”
“Jan. 1, 1842, Enoch Hoffman Dr to 1/3? Day in sand hole.”
No sum given, as is often the case in these accounts.“July 19, 1843, George Fauss Dr to 2 lbs Butter, 20 cents.”
“Charles Hanson Dr to 24 lbs Weat Flour.”
“June 26, 1844, John Wite Dr to 1 Wooding Spicket, 12 ½ cents.”
What John wanted to do with a “Wooding Spicket,” we can only conjecture.
John Hoppock
“John Hoppock, Administrator of estate of Mary Hoppock.” This deserves explanation. John and Mary are terribly common names, so to a certain extent I am guessing. But—Sarah Hoppock, mentioned above, wife of Jonathan Moore, was the daughter of John and Mary Hoppock. Her father John Hoppock died in 1816, and was survived by his wife Mary who died intestate in 1838. The fact that the debit occurred in 1839 is convincing evidence that it was Mary, mother of Sarah Hoppock Moore, who was concerned. Mary’s real estate was offered for public sale on December 12, 1838, which was probably what John Moore had charged for. This is separate from the estate sale of 1818 for lands of John Hoppock, dec’d.
The witnessing of fees for John Hoppock by John Moore in 1839 seems to add more fuel to the argument that John Moore of the account book was actually Jonathan Moore.
John Hoppock the administrator ought to be called John Hoppock, Jr., but was often identified as John R. Hoppock. His mother Mary’s maiden name is not known; perhaps it began with an R.
John R. Hoppock (1769-1853) married Leanah Huffman on March 9, 1797, daughter of Jacob Hoffman and Christeen Mettler. He had an active life in Amwell/Delaware, managing estates of relatives and neighbors, and purchasing real estate. His will, written on June 26, 1853, provided specific bequests to his sons Henry and Amos and his daughters Margaret and Mahalah. (His wife Leanah had predeceased him.)10
“May 7, 1849, John Smith, son of John,
Dr to 1 Days Plowing with team, $2.”“Sept. 2, Samuel Hummer Dr. to Harrowing Corn, $1.20.”
“Sept. 2, Wm Aller Dr to 1 Day Cutting Oats, $1.”
A “backward” season that must have been. Oats are rarely cut in September.
“October 15, 1851, settled all accounts with Cook and Eastburn.
Due me $7.77.”The Dalrymple Family
While lack of space forbids comment on many of the names found in these old accounts, a partial tracing of one or two representatives of old families may be in order. The Asa Dalrymple whose name is so often found, was the father of Thomas Dalrymple, remembered by many as a shop-worker in Sand Brook for many years, and was the grandfather of A. J. Dalrymple, well known as a practical farmer living between Sand Brook and Buchanan’s Tavern. Mrs. Hains (widow of Isaac), now living in Sergeantsville at the age of 85, says that Asa Dalrymple had 14 children, all of whom grew up and married; namely, Thomas, Asa, Britton, George, Prall, William, Elmira, Elizabeth, Rachel, Catharine, Mary, and two others who names have slipped out of mind.
Asa Dalrymple
Asa Dalrymple was born January 29, 1805 and died in Delaware Township on July 27, 1882. His wife was Margaret Cronce, born March 26, 1810, died November 15, 1858. It was not difficult to identify Margaret’s parents—they were Cronce and Margaret Deats. But Dalrymples are a different matter. So far I have not been able to identify the parents of Asa Dalrymple.
Margaret was only 48 when she died, leaving behind ten children to be raised by their father on his own. Some of them were taken in by neighbors. Mrs. Haines said there were 14 children. If so, I am missing four of them. The children I have were born from 1828 to 1849.
Asa and Margaret’s son Thomas Dalrymple (1837-1910) married Delilah Moore (1829-1905) about 1865. She was the daughter of Jacob Moore and Elizabeth Sine, also of Sandbrook, also parents of the Asa Moore who married Permelia Baldwin. Thomas and Delilah had a son, Andrew Jackson Moore (1866-after 1940) who married Louisa F. (‘Lulu’) Burkett in 1886. They had no children.
A Sandbrook Store
Judging from the activities of John Moore, I rather doubt he kept a store in a building in the fashion we usually think of. There certainly is no photograph of John Moore’s storehouse. However, there were various stores in Sandbrook over the years. Here is a photograph of my favorite—Mom’s.
Obviously, this was a 20th century store. Sad to say, I do not know who “Mom” was. If any readers happen to know her name, please share in the comments section below.
The Moore Family Bible
Mrs. Mary Durling of Stockton, a granddaughter of Acker Moore, has an old Moore Bible in which are found the following records:
Mrs. Durling was Mary Emma Moore, daughter of John Miller Moore (1835-1889) and Permelia Hoppock (1835-1877). This made her the granddaughter of Acker Moore and Phebe Miller, and of Joseph and Lareine Hoppock. Mary Emma was born about 1865 and married William F. Durling in 1889 in Lumberville, Bucks County. They lived there and had two daughters in 1891 and 1895. By 1900 they had settled in Stockton where Durling went to work as a butcher. Durling grew up in Raven Rock with his birth family. His father, Andrew Jackson Durling, was a worker on the canal in 1880. William Durling was still alive in 1935 when Mr. Bush interviewed his wife, but he died only two years later. Mrs. Durling died in 1949, age 84.
Returning to Mrs. Durling’s family, her grandparents Acker and Phebe Moore had four children. John Miller Moore, the eldest and Mrs. Durling’s father, was followed by George Moore (1837-1902), Mary Moore (c.1841 – ?) and Amos H. Moore (1845-1866). George Moore married Annie L. Sutton and together they had four children who all had children. But his older brother John only had two daughters. And yet, it appears that it was John, and then his daughter Mary, who preserved the family bible. Mr. Bush has given us a transcript:
“Josiah Moore born April 23, 1747;
Mary Lake, his wife, born Dec. 17, 1749.”
Their Children:
“Jonathan Moore born Jan. 3, 1772;
Rhoda Moore, born Feb. 13 1774;
Elizabeth Moore, born Dec. 15, 1775;
Abraham Moore, born May 3, 1778;
Sarah Moore, born July 16, 1782;
Elizabeth Moore born June 7, 1780;
Elnathan Moore, born Sept. 24, 1784;
Ann Moore, born Nov. 24, 1786;
Isaac Moore, born Apr. 1, 1789;
Josiah Moore, born July 23, 1790;
Rachel Moore, born May 31, 1794.”“Sarah Moore, wife of Jonathan Moore, born August 7, 1715,” evidently meaning 1775. Date of Jonathan’s birth given above, not here.
I have no idea what Mr. Bush meant by the date not being “here.” This list is followed by “Their Children” by which Mr. Bush means the children of Jonathan Moore and Sarah Hoppock.
Their Children:
“Henry Moore, born Nov. 2, 1797;
Mary Moore,, born Feb. 24, 1800;
Josiah Moore born Jan. 30, 1802;
Acker Moore, born Apr. 29, 1805;
Jerusha Moore, born Dec. 22, 1807;
Reading Moore born June 5, 1811.”By these records we may trace Hart Moore back to George [his father], Acker [his grandfather] and Jonathan [his great grandfather], to Josiah Moore and Mary Lake, his wife; and may trace Mrs. Durling, by John [her father], Acker and Jonathan [Moore] back to the same great-great-grandparents.
The Moore Family
Acker Moore lived on a farm situate near Sand Brook, on the road that joins the Sand Brook-Sergeantsville road just west of Barton Williamson’s farm, and runs southeastward to the road leading from Sand Brook to the old German Baptist Church, striking that road about a half mile south of the village.
This road is no longer a public road. I have sketched it on an old Delaware Township tax map where you can see Acker Moore’s farm bordered by Route 523, and land of John Hoppock, John Williamson, Asa Moore and the farm of William Williamson. This is the farm on Block 25 lot 44-47 that Acker Moore acquired from his mother Sarah Hoppock Moore, as described above.

By deed dated May 25, 1921, Charles Moore (son of George) and wife conveyed the premises, 59.49 acres, to Toni Markunas. Feb. 1, 1903, the other heirs of George Moore conveyed the property to Charles Moore. Acker Moore and wife conveyed the same, with other lands to George Moore for $5,000, April 11, 1874. “Being the same premises which Sarah Hoppock, now Sarah Moore, widow of Jonathan Moore, purchased of John G. Trimmer, Henry Aller and Jacob P. Fisher, commissioners appointed to divide the real estate of John Hoppock, by deed dated April 1, 1819.”
The Asa Moore mentioned in the accounts was father of the late Gideon Moore of Stockton, and grandfather of Theodore S. Moore, for many years Mayor of that borough. Reading Moore, brother to Acker, lived in Flemington. For many years he kept a small store in Main Street.
But perhaps this is spreading over more space than the subject justifies, especially since we have not positively identified the old accountant. Would that we could trace him down to the present day, and show his descendants something of the real greatness of their unassuming great-grandfather. However humble, such men are always useful. Few things give so much real pleasure as to memorialize a forgotten man who struggled hard and long for an honest living, gladly doing whatever his hands found to do. Peace to the ashes of this “John Moore,” wherever they lie, and long life to his identity if ever it is discovered.
Back to John Moore
As mentioned above, I have my theory about who John Moore was. He died in September 23, 1847 (not on September 23, 1818) and was buried in the Moore Burying Ground. His wife Johannah died on October 16, 1865 and was buried next to her husband. Their son Joseph died on September 22, 1828, only 31 years old. Daughter Elizabeth died June 17, 1864, age 61. Son John (1805-1816) was only 11 when he died. Son Henry (1805-1828) was only 20. All of these children were also buried in the Moore Cemetery. Daughter Mary (1800-1876) married Isaac Gray and was buried with her husband in the Lower Amwell Old Yard.
John Moore’s gravestone states that he was age 71-11-7. The inscription on his grave reads “Dear friend I bid you all adieu / To change my mournful state / Weep not for me for here you see / My trials have been great.” There appears to be a signature underneath, but I cannot read it. Apparently John’s later years were difficult ones.
I have a quibble with Find-a-Grave. The entry for John Moore identifies him as the son of Daniel Moore (1729-1807) and Elizabeth Rowzer (1748-1819). I have no evidence that this couple had a son named John.
This was the other Moore family, the German one. As far as I can tell, John of Sandbrook belonged to the English family.
For the origins of the German Moore family in Amwell, see The Moore Family. The original version of that article included an abbreviated Moore Family Tree. I have updated that tree along with a tree for the other Moore family, the one discussed in this article. See Moore Family Tree.
- The other Hart Moore I am aware of was born in 1816, son of Elnathan Moore and Mary Runkle, and lived in New Brunswick. ↩
- H.C. Deed Book 199 p.208, recorded 1882. There are many deeds listed for a George Moore, however (I’ve got 8 of that name in my database), and I have not taken the time to go through them. ↩
- H.C. Deed Book 94 p. 519. ↩
- See Hoppock Farm Once Contained 600 Acres. ↩
- Court of Common Pleas, Minutes, Book 26 p. 134. ↩
- H. C. Deeds Book 86 p. 550. ↩
- Phebe Miller’s parents are unknown to me. She reminds me of Isabel Miller (1772-1856) who married Elisha Rittenhouse. Her parentage also remains a mystery. ↩
- Road records, H. C. Clerk’s Office, file 20-9-1; D’Autrechy, Abstract of H.C. Road Files, p. 350. ↩
- For the story of Amwell’s division into three new townships, see “The Division of Amwell Township, 1838” and “The Division of Amwell, part two.” ↩
- Unfortunately, I could not find anything useful about this couple on Ancestry.com. ↩
July 14, 2018 @ 8:16 am
I was curious about the tombstone inscription. I found a similar quote, though the line order is different. One error in your transcription is the word “mortal” should be “mournful.”
Hymn 386, A Dying Saints Farewell, in this “old German Baptist Brethren Church” book. http://www.ogbbc.org/uploads/resources/eHymnbook.pdf
Marfy Goodspeed
July 14, 2018 @ 9:28 am
Geoff Raike
July 15, 2018 @ 10:33 am
Hi Marfy
The map shown here… can you tell me where you found this? I don’t recall seeing this before.
Marfy Goodspeed
July 15, 2018 @ 12:24 pm
You haven’t seen it because it has not been published. It is simply a copy of the Delaware Twp. tax map on which I have printed the names of known property owners.
Geoff Raike
July 15, 2018 @ 6:02 pm
Okay Thanks
Goodspeed Histories: An Old Account Book
July 17, 2018 @ 1:53 pm
[…] I have highlighted some of the names that Mr. Bush mentions in his article to indicate the ones I comment on. READ THE FULL STORY HERE! […]
Philip Foss
February 9, 2019 @ 7:27 pm
I think the John Moore gravestone in this article is for a John Moore who died 23 Sep 1818 not 1848; which makes his birth at 16 Oct 1746.
Marfy Goodspeed
February 10, 2019 @ 8:43 am
You are right that the gravestone reads 1818 and not 1846. That changes everything, and creates quite a problem.