Previously I have written about the old stone house sitting on top of Robins or Buchanan’s Hill, on the old track of County Route 579. In that article, The Two Taverns at Robins Hill, I described this early resident of Hunterdon County, who died around 1737. After the article was published, I was contacted by Carl MacDonald who’s family has owned the property, and he sent me an early picture of the house.
That early section of the house is still standing, which is fortunate for us because there is a date stone on it. Mr. MacDonald recently sent me a photograph of that date stone, and it is so wonderful, I had to include it in the series.

The R of course is for Robins. The D and M are for Daniel Robins and his wife Mary. The date is exceptional because it includes the month and day, June 24, 1723.
Geoff Raike
February 6, 2013 @ 5:58 pm
The stone work is really interesting. The common point mortar looks nice with the flat stones. I dont think a colonial point would do this house any justice. Wonderful date stone.
Chris Pierce
October 8, 2013 @ 3:14 pm
I’m one of the descendants of Daniel Robins…..after the Pierce name came into the mix. Is that house across from the Rockafellow Mills?
Marfy Goodspeed
October 8, 2013 @ 3:35 pm
Chris, Rockafellow’s Mills is in Readington Twp., which is a long way from Daniel Robins’ house. His house is in Raritan Township in the more southerly part of Hunterdon County.
Richard Robbins
July 5, 2014 @ 9:11 pm
I wish I could get a rubbing off that stone. As there are so many Daniel Robins out there in the wilds of New Jersey, I’m assuming that this may be the Daniel Robins that is the son of the original Daniel? If so, that Daniel is directly related to me.
Carl MacDonald
December 13, 2015 @ 8:07 pm
Richard, that could be arranged. Send me an email at carl1313@comcast.net
judy macneil
February 24, 2021 @ 12:57 pm
What a wonderful find! I am a descendant of Lydia Robinns who married Peter parlee and moved to NB Canada as Loyalists