A response to the article by Egbert T. Bush on August 7, 1930 titled
“Buchanan’s, A Tavern With A Long History” and a continuation from Part One, A History of the Old Stone House on Robins Hill (Raritan Twp. Block 60 lot 40)
Anyone who has attempted to sort out land titles in the 18th century, particularly in New Jersey, knows what frustration is. It’s true, there are some records, but they are so incomplete, so full of hints that can’t be verified, that I feel just a little uneasy about the claims I am about to make. But make them I will.
The Robins Heirs
When Isaac Robins, son of Daniel Robins Jr., wrote his will in 1741, he left his homestead plantation of 200 acres in Amwell Township to his sons Vincent and Joseph, and named his wife Azubia and “friends” Job Robins and Amos Thatcher his executors. Job Robins was actually his brother, and Amos Thatcher probably his brother-in-law. They both lived at Sergeantsville. One of the witnesses was Amos Thatcher’s wife Lydia. Amos Thatcher was probably the brother of Azubia Robins; their father was Bartholomew Thatcher, one of the most notable early settlers in Hunterdon County.
The 200 acres that Isaac Robins left to his sons Vincent and Joseph was up on Robins Hill. We know this because in 1737, Isaac Robins had gotten a mortgage on this land and it was bordered by Thomas Kitchen, Gov. Penn and John Haddon, among others.1 It was described as “being part of a large tract of land formerly surveyed for said Haddon, being that plantation that Daniel Robins dec’d, father of the said Isaac Robins, formerly lived upon.” Sons Vincent and Joseph Robins apparently had no use for this property, so they sold it to their uncle, Job Robins.2

Apologies for the crude map; just my attempt to show where Daniel Robins lived, and most importantly, to show the dividing line between Robins’ 200 acres (formerly part of the Haddon tract) and the Heath and Robins proprietary tracts. Click on the map to enlarge.
Job Robins, one of the sons of Daniel Robins Jr., already had land of his own, conveyed to him by his father, and taken out of the tract of 707 acres surveyed to Daniel Robins Jr. near Sergeantsville. It bordered Amos Thatcher and Samuel Green.3 Job Robins wrote his will on January 19, 1756, in which he named his wife Abigail and children Daniel, Rachel, Annie, Andrew, Mary, Elizabeth and Lydia, all of whom were underage. Job Robins was about 57 when he wrote his will, so he must have married late to still have underage children. I have not been able to identify his wife Abigail.
Even though he was “underage,” son Daniel was named executor along with Daniel’s mother Abigail, so he must have been near adulthood, probably close to 20 years old, and therefore, born about 1736. The abstract of the will in New Jersey Archives only makes a reference to real and personal estate; I will have to see the original will to find out if Job Robins bequeathed the 200 acres on Robins Hill to his son Daniel. I think there is compelling reason to believe he did; either that, or else Daniel bought the property from his father’s estate.
Daniel Robins (iii) probably came of age around 1760, for it was in that year that he took control of his real estate. He had his 200 acres resurveyed, and finding that it actually contained 220 acres was obliged to purchase land rights to those extra 20 acres, which he got from Elisha Emley.4 On the same day, July 1, 1760, Daniel Robins purchased two lots of land, amounting to about 60 acres, from Samuel & Mary Kitchen.5 This property was on the east side of the Haddon-Robins line, and was therefore not a part of the 200 acres owned by Isaac and then Job Robins.
Daniel Robins, like his grandfather, failed to write a will before he died. But since he was only about 28 years old, that it understandable. His widow Frances was named administrator. In 1763, Frances Robins applied for a tavern license, “at the place where she now lives at.” These are the names of those who signed her petition: Richard Rounsavell jr., Samuel Kitchen, Edward Taylor, Philip Calvin, Tho. Merrell and John Trimmer.6
In 1764, Frances Robins and her new husband John Peirce (sic) made an accounting of the estate. There is no record of how they disposed of the 220.5 acres. Whatever the case, the property was sold, and the Pierce’s seem to have left Hunterdon County, as there is no estate recorded for them. John Peirce had relations in Philadelphia, so that may be where they ended up.7
Philip Calvin
Philip Calvin is one of my mystery men. I have no idea where he came from, but it is possible that he was related to Luther Calvin, who appears to have been about the same age as Philip. Luther Calvin immigrated from England, and lived in the vicinity of Everittstown. I believe that Philip Calvin married Grace Holcombe about 1730. She was the daughter of John Holcombe and Elizabeth Woolrich, original settlers of the Lambertville area. Calvin owned land bordering Joseph Howell and George Ely, in the vicinity of Prallsville. How or when he acquired the portion of Daniel Robins’ land on the west side of the Haddon-Robbins line, I cannot say as there is no deed or mortgage recorded for this purchase. And it is doubtful that Philip Calvin ran a tavern in his house at the top of the hill, since there is no tavern license application on record for him, or any other record suggesting such a thing, as far as I know.
One interesting record, reflecting on the people in the vicinity of Robins’ Hill, was a coroner’s inquest held on December 30, 1779, regarding the death of “Jno Reading,” who drowned in Phillip “Colvin’s” well. The jurors were John Rake, Wm Sine (his mark), Wm Dilts (his mark), John Taylor, Casper Bare (his mark), Peter Sine (his mark), John Buchannen, Jacob Fulper, Isaac Lake and others.8 These jurors all lived near Robins’ Hill. The Inquest did not declare how Mr. Reading ended up in the well. There is an old well close to the Sergeantsville Road (Route 523) on the Booream’s property (which was part of Calvin’s land), and I cannot help but wonder if that was the well in question.
On July 25, 1794, Philip Calvin wrote his will, leaving property to grandsons John and Philip, sons of his son Philip then deceased. The will also named daughters Grace Calvin, Mary Anderson, and Sarah Landis, and deceased daughter Rebecca Haviland.9 He ordered that his property be sold and divided among his heirs. In 1795, Calvin’s executors, George Trout and Paul Kuhl, sold his home plantation of 134.75 acres and 4 perches to “Simeon Meyers,” and gave him a mortgage for £415.11.9, which was about £3 per acre, about the going rate for that time. The property bordered Andrew Bearder, John Rockafellow, John Sine, John Buchannon, John Robins, and the road from Buchanan’s to Howell’s Ferry (Route 523). Both ‘Simeon’ and his wife Elizabeth were unable to write their names to the mortgage, and signed their marks instead.10 The property was described as being “a part and parcel of the real estate” of Philip Calvin deceased. Witnesses to the mortgage were Samuel and John Buchanan. The remainder of the original 220.5 acres that Daniel Robins had surveyed in 1760 seems to have been sold to Samuel Buchanan and John Robins.
Simon Myers/Myres/Miers
This “Simeon Meyers” was later known as Simon Myers. Like Calvin before him, Myers never applied for a tavern license. Simon Myers, born about 1745, was the son of Johannes and Catharine Myers, who had settled on property at the intersection of Ferry Road and Locktown-Flemington Road in Delaware Twp. He was the eldest of five sons. His father, who died around 1775, left no recorded estate, but his mother was still alive around 1786, living with her son Albertus Myers on her homestead plantation.
Simon Myers must have married around 1770, but I do not know the name of his wife, which is a shame because she was the mother of 11 children. The family started out in Amwell, when Simon Myers was taxed in 1780 as a householder with 1 horse and 1 cow. After that, they lived in Kingwood Township until Simon Myers purchased the 135 acres at Robins’ (or Buchanan’s) Hill. About that time, Myers expanded the farm slightly to 147 acres, and purchased a ten-acre woodlot from Jeremiah King.11
When Simon Myers died in 1814, when he was about 64 years old, and some of his children were still underage. His homestead property had to be divided among his heirs. Fortunately, a very nice map of this division was recorded with the County Surrogate, and shows clearly that it contained the old stone house and its barn, and that it’s eastern boundary excluded the two houses located at the intersection of Routes 523 and 579. It showed that the owner of the land just to the east of Simon Myers was John Buchanan.12

This seems to clarify that the old stone house at the top of the hill was inhabited by Philip Calvin up to 1794, and then by Simon Myers from 1795 to 1814.
While I’m at it, I should mention that the lovely old house on the southwest corner of this busy intersection, now owned by the Booreams, was not standing at the time of this division, and was probably built around 1820 by Myers’ son-in-law Nathan Warman. Warman married Margaret Myers on January 24, 1816.
Postscript on The Old Stone House
Simon Myers’ 135 acres was divided into 18 little lots. Lot No. 5 with the house was given to Simon Myers Jr. and Lot No. 6 with the barn went to his brother Peter. The siblings sold rights to each other, and the property became somewhat consolidated, although it never regained its original size. In 1834, “Samuel Myers” (who must have been Simon Myers Jr., born Feb. 18, 1790) sold 19.5 acres to John Pegg, which included the house and the barn.13
John Pegg was the son of Daniel Pegg and Margaret Buchanan, and the grandson of Samuel Buchanan and Ann Case. This made him a great-grandson of John Buchanan, the innkeeper of yore. After his death in 1862, his property was advertised for sale in the Hunterdon Gazette (Nov. 12, 1862):
“ . . . all that FARM, Lot or parcel of Land, situate partly in Raritan and partly in Delaware Townships, adjoining lands of Mahlon Chamberlain, Asher Trout, William Shepherd and others, and contains about 39 Acres. The improvements are a comfortable S T O N E H O U S E, A commodious Frame Barn, Wagon house, Wheelwright Shop, and other necessary out buildings. Any person wishing to purchase a home where the land is already raised to the highest state of cultivation, and where one half of the purchase money may remain on the property, this is a rare opportunity.
The farm was sold on April 15, 1863 to Isaac M. Keyser for $2,497.50. Keyser, born 1829 in Pennsylvania, was a resident of Locktown in the 1850s. His two wives (Amy Bonham and Mary Ann Sutton) were from Locktown families. Around 1860, Keyser sold his farm and equipment, and tried to settle in Ohio, but he seems to have given it up and returned to New Jersey. A year after purchasing the old Robins-Calvin-Myers house, his wife Amy Bonham died, age 31. A few years later, he married Mary Ann Sutton and they remained on the old Robins farm until Isaac’s death in 1913. His wife Mary Ann died in 1917.
Next post: where was John Buchanan’s tavern ?
Addendum, Aug. 14, 2013: Added information about the 1763 tavern license of Frances Robins.
- Hunterdon Co. Loan Office 1737 p. 20. ↩
- I do not have a deed for this sale; ; it was part of a recital of a later deed. See West Jersey Deeds H-475 for reference to the conveyance to son Job Robins. Confirmation comes from a deed of 1775 showing Job Robins as a bordering owner at the Isaac Robins tract. That sale was made by Vincent Robins’ son Obadiah to John Buchanan, conveying 100 acres that was sold to Vincent Robins by his father-in-law Thomas Kitchen in 1753. ↩
- It is shown in their application for mortgages from the Hunterdon County Loan Office, Amos Thatcher, 1737, p. 9, and Samuel Green 1737 p.74. See West Jersey Deeds H-475 for reference to the conveyance from Daniel Robins to son Isaac. ↩
- Hunterdon Co. Historical Society, Ms. Deeds (collection 18) oversize deeds, #164; the resurvey is in box 1 #164. ↩
- HCHS Ms. Deeds, collection 18, oversize deeds, #15. ↩
- N.J. State Archives, Tavern License Applications, Box 1, 1762-1768. ↩
- I would love to link John Pierce up with Lewis and Andrew Pierce/Pearce who owned property near Boarshead Road in the 18th-century. I also wonder if there is a connection with Elizabeth Hutcheson Pierce and her husband John Pierce, who were among the heirs of George Hutcheson of Philadelphia in the late 1690s, and property owners near Whiskey Lane. ↩
- Coroner’s Reports, #769, Hunterdon Co. Archives. Who this Jno. Reading was I cannot say, even though I have identified most of the descendants of John Reading of Amwell. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. ↩
- Daughter Sarah married Joseph Landis, but I do not have the identify of the other sons-in-law. ↩
- H.C. Mortgage Book 2 p. 117. ↩
- As seen in Deeds Book 23 pp. 513-14, and Book 6 p.135; Myers gave King a mortgage of the woodlot for $502 (Mortgage Book 3 p. 8). ↩
- Divisions, Hunterdon Co. Surrogate’s Court, Book 1 p.9, map on p. 18. ↩
- H.C. Deed Book 57 p.392. ↩
Carla Cielo
December 28, 2012 @ 8:09 am
Hi Marfy, I have been following your last three articles and just happened to come across a reference in Charles Andrews new book “Edinger, Ulmer, Clark and Robbins Families of Hunterdon Co NJ and Elsewhere” which I think may help you sort this out. Andrews states ” In 1748 Daniel #3 and his wife Elizabeth sold their Upper Freehold land and moved to Amwell Township…. where he had a tavern” (concurring with what you wrote in past articles) “Newspaper Extracts in the Colonial NJ Historical Series Vol. V. Pg. 326/27 on February 14, 1764, lists his tavern ‘at the foot of Robins Hill’ to be sold and states he was the son of Daniel and Mary (Parker) Robins”. He also has a complete Robins family genealogy. This suggests that Robins tavern was the Micek farm and not the stone house. Ive been in the other frame house facing the valley and it is not old enough.
Marfy, I was also wondering if you ever dug up anything on my house (Nicholas Swallow in 1850) which would have been the third old house south of the Micek corner (counting the Micek house as one) and is now the second given the demolition of the Thatcher house in 1999. Judging your map in this article it appears that my house was within Daniel Robins 333 acres. Thanks Carla Cielo
Marfy Goodspeed
December 28, 2012 @ 8:37 am
Carla, Please stay tuned for the next chapter in this saga, in which I will discuss the tavern of Daniel Robins. And, take issue with this theory that the tavern-owner was the son of Daniel Robins Jr. I think it was the grandson. Charles Andrews has taken that idea from the Robins/Robbins Genealogy that I referred to previously, and I just don’t agree with it. Just because Daniel Robins of Monmouth County sold his property there in 1748 does not mean he came to Amwell Township. It’s that old problem of too many people in the same family with the same name.
I have not focused on your house yet. Didn’t you tell me it was probably built in the late 18th century? I wonder if it belonged to the family of George Trout.
S Cassat
March 25, 2016 @ 2:10 pm
Marfy, came across your post, specifically related to Amos thatcher. Supposedly Amos bought and indenture in@ 1741 of Isabella douglas age 16. Later contested marriage banns to Benjamin Fortner of amwell later knowlton. Isobel is my very elusive g/6 gm , have seen tax ref to Benjamin Fortner. Having great difficulty find info here in Arkansas, a lot of “stuff” on Internet that’s just wrong ! Thanks susie
Sara Robbins Hoffman
January 17, 2013 @ 11:43 am
A recent discovery through Y-DNA testing by the descendants of Daniel Pierce b.abt. 1748 NJ, d.aft 1830 TN shows the DNA of the descendants of Daniel Pierce matches the Daniel Robins 1627-1714 descendants. According to the Daniel Pierce family they believed for generations they were the descendants of John Pierce 1717-1778 & his wife Frances Robins widow of Daniel Robins 1692-1763. Apparently John & Frances Robins Pierce migrated from Hunterdon Co to VA sometime after 1763 with a son name Daniel who was known as Daniel Pierce. Charles Robbins Hutchinson mentioned a son Daniel for Daniel Robins III & his wife Elizabeth but no documentation for this son was found. The Pierce/Robins DNA results & family history came to me from a member of the Daniel Pierce family Angela Groenhout
Sara Robbins Hoffman
Marfy Goodspeed
January 17, 2013 @ 12:29 pm
Sara, This is fascinating and intriguing.
Martha Heywood
January 27, 2013 @ 5:30 pm
Dear Marfy,
I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful postings on the Robins family in Amwell and the tavern at Robins’ Hill. My ancestor Thomas Hunt lived on adjoining land. His daughter Mary was probably the wife of William Robbins (b. ca. 1725) who died in Bethlehem NJ in 1811. William’s father was probably Daniel (based on family naming patterns). But I’m not sure which Daniel.
I do disagree with your conclusion that the Daniel who died in 1763 was the son of Job and grandson of Daniel Jr. The value of the estate would appear to be too high for such a young man. Per the printed abstract, it was more than a thousand pounds. If memory serves me, that is twice the value of Job’s estate. I think it was Daniel III (b. 1692) who died in 1763 and that Frances was his second wife, possibly quite a bit younger.
However, as near as I can tell, there is no positive proof for either conclusion. It could well turn out that you are right.
Martha Heywood
Marfy Goodspeed
January 28, 2013 @ 7:56 am
Hi Martha. William is a mystery. I dont know where to put him. He was about the same age as Daniel s/o Job, the right age to be a grandson of Daniel jr. (1666-1732). But he was not the son of John, Isaac or Job. That leaves Jonathan and Elisha, whose children I know little about; and also Daniel of Monmouth County. It is so tough when these people don’t write wills.
As for the identity of Daniel the tavernowner who died in 1763:
Job Robins’ will, dated 1756 named his children, including Daniel, and stated they were all underage. Assuming Daniel was close to 21 but not quite there yet, gives a birth year of about 1736. Which means that in 1760 when the tavern lot was purchased he would have been 24 years old. This is not too young for those times.
Job Robins left his plantation of 200 acres +/- to son Daniel. This was property adjacent to the tavern property. If Daniel had sold it after his father died in 1756, he would have had the wherewithal to purchase the tavern lot for £300. But, of course, he did not pay cash–he got a mortgage from Samuel Kitchen, which was still outstanding when he died.
He also died with a whole raft of creditors, many of them important men. And he had dealings with important men in the Kingwood Quaker community. This certainly argues for an older man than Daniel son of Job.
As for the inventories, those amounts are only for personal property. Real estate was not counted in inventories. Daniel had £1375 worth of property, which is quite significant, and makes one think he spent some of the money he borrowed on furnishings and farm equpment. Inventories also include amounts owed by debtors, and since I have not seen the inventory (shame on me) I cannot say how much of it is money owed to him. I’ll bet a fair amount.
Job Robin’s inventory amounted to only £457. I imagine he had not loaned out as much money as Daniel had. Once again, I can only speculate til I get myself down to Archives and look at those estates.
The problem is, we don’t know what happened to the son of Daniel ii. From the Robins Genealogy, the last thing we know of Daniel iii is that he and wife Elizabeth sold his property in Upper Freehold, Monmouth County in 1748, and then he seems to disappear from the records. We are left with a quandary. If it was the Daniel from Monmouth who bought the tavern lot and died in 1763, what happened to Daniel son of Job? It makes more sense to me that the son of Job bought that 60 acres next to the 200-acre plantation, but the deed did not say which Daniel bought the lot. He was Daniel Robins of Amwell Twp. That’s all we know. Maybe someday a solid piece of evidence will turn up.
Thanks very much for your comment.
Sara Robbins Hoffman
January 29, 2013 @ 6:47 pm
I appreciate your wonderful website histories & all the research you have done on Daniel Robins of Amwell.
Using your proposed birth date of 1736 for Daniel Robins son of Job & the death date of the Daniel Robins who died in 1763, we find a young man who died at the age of 27 with an estate worth 1376 pounds. A fortune for the times. His inventory shows no debtors. 89 pounds is listed under Bills. In review of the 1756 will of Job Robins, it doesn’t appear his son Daniel received a large inheritance. Job left a legacy to his mother, his wife & seven minor children including Daniel. The entire acreage Daniel received was the 220 acres. This raises a question as to how a man so young was able to acquire such a large estate in six years before his death?
Then there is the official documentation for Frances the wife of Daniel Robins of Amwell who died in 1763 & her marriage to John Pearce/Pierce between 1763 & 1764. These facts makes it impossible to ignore the DNA evidence presented by the Pearce/Pierce family for Daniel Pearce aka Robins born in NJ about 1747. The Pearce family for generations believed Daniel Pearce was the son of John Pearce who migrated from NJ to Augusta Co., VA & died there in 1778. The recent DNA testing by nine male descendants of Daniel Pearce revealed none of them have any relationship to the descendants of John Pearce but a direct relationship to the descendants of the Daniel Robins 1627-1714 family. The Daniel Pearce aka Robins descendants have documentation for his birth in NJ & his birth date about 1747. Daniel Robins son of Job Robins was 12 years old in 1747 when Daniel Pearce aka Robins was born. My conclusion is the Daniel Robins who died in 1763 with wife Frances was the father of Daniel Pearce & was not the same Daniel Robins born in 1736 son of Job Robins.
Sara Robbins Hoffman
Curtis L Pierce
November 5, 2013 @ 3:46 pm
I have been researching my family, Daniel Pearce, for about 13 years or so. I spent years researching the sons of Daniel Pearce trying to find the father, family, or any trace of the parents of Daniel Pearce. I know he was born in New Jersey because of the listing of a son. I know he died in his 85th year, because of another sons statement. He was alive in 1830 census and missing in the 1840 census leaving a wife and several sons in the same county. So I have a good handle of his age and location of birth and death. The problem I ran into was lack of documentation. There isnt a Will or Family Bible. Nothing passed down with birth or death dates or marriages. Very few courts records or biographies.
So I tried a revolutionary angle. I requested DNA kits and visited the oldest male member on each Pierce line and submitted a sample. I think we have nine in all. Funny thing happened when the DNA was compared. The DNA for each member was almost exact on each Male Pearce donor. Proving that my paper work, on a very large Pearce group, was very accurate. But with a family so large why did we not match any other Pearce line in the United States. I have found Pearce relatives in almost every state in the Union. But our line doesnt match any of the old Pearce lines. We arent even close and that never made any sense. We always thought Captain James Pearce was a brother or cousin. But the DNA markers didnt show kinship even though they were always in the same vacinity.
About a year ago, I was contacted by a Robins relative and she asked me to compare the DNA from each family. It was simply astounding how close the markers were when compared. I had searched so long for Pearces and find out we could actually descend from the Robins. It was almost too much to comprehend. I even went into denial for a little while and took some time off from the research.
But after stepping back from the family and looking at the DNA. The story told of John Pearce and Frances Robins really makes a lot of sense. The information found on Daniel Pearce is a close match and really could be the lost Daniel Robins, adopted by John Pearce.
Please keep me in the loop. I am ready to face my Robins……….lol
Curtis Pierce
cell# 678-907-8701
Vickie Wagner
June 11, 2013 @ 11:23 am
Hi Marfy,
I am working on the Simeon/Simon Myers line. Do you have any proof of his parents? I have assummed that his parents where Johanne and Catherine. I am trying to tighten that up with some type of proof of his birth, parents, or place of birth.
You stated that he and his wife Elizabeth signed with a X when they purchased land. But then you said you didn’t know who his wife was. That confussed me a bit.
Thanks for any information that you can help with.
Vickie Wagner
Marfy Goodspeed
June 17, 2013 @ 8:17 am
Vickie–I do not have hard evidence that Simon Myers was the so of John and Catharine Myers. It is circumstantial, based on who was in the neighborhood at the time. It is possible that Simon Myers came to Hunterdon independently of the John Myers family; I rather doubt it.
As for Simon Myers’ wife Elizabeth, it was a mortgage that the two of them signed their marks to, not a deed. And in fact, that was the first document I’ve come across with Simon’s wife’s name. So I should correct the statement that her name is unknown.
Joyce Kintzel
August 15, 2015 @ 11:15 am
Hi Marfy
I’ve been a long time trying to track down the parents of Simon Myers and thought I had him linked to a Simon Myers of NY and I was excited about that because it’s an ancient lineage going back to royalty. I removed that parentage, though I still can’t give up thinking there is some link, as Simon was a popular name in that family tree. Now I’ve been ages trying to prove that maybe Johannes is his father. I see you didn’t find documentation of that, however I agree it’s probably, but I’m looking for some thread as to where I might look further for Johannes. Do you have any clue as to where he may have come from or any small bit of information about him at all?
Joyce Kintzel
August 15, 2015 @ 11:19 am
I should have proof read before I hit post: probably=probable. I know you have better things to do than look stuff up for me so don’t go to any trouble on my behalf. I’m asking just in case something pops into your mind without going through volumes of your research. Thanks.
Violet winterstein
June 28, 2015 @ 7:40 pm
Hi. I’m descended from Mahlon Chamberlin mentioned in above property sale. I’m interested in seeing if Mahlons home still exists. I’m also descended from the Stout family and Hann family. The Hanns have been a brick wall for years.
Marfy Goodspeed
July 11, 2015 @ 8:09 pm
Dear Violet,
I’m sorry to say, I have no information on Mahlon Chamberlin, other than the advertisement above. To find out where he lived would require some serious searches in the Clerk’s office for deeds in his name.