This past fall, an application was prepared to create a Sandy Ridge Historic District in Delaware Township. This area is full of interesting properties, with the old Sandy Ridge Baptist Church standing at its center.
The application for district status is presently under consideration by the State Preservation Office.1 It seems appropriate while we wait for the decision to take a look at a couple articles about the place written by our early 20th-century historians, Jonathan M. Hoppock and Egbert T. Bush.
Let’s start with “The Sandy Ridge Church” by Jonathan M. Hoppock, published in 1905.2 The second article, by Egbert T. Bush, will come along later.
Mr. Hoppock’s article contains a long list of names of people associated with the church: the first members of the congregation, the pastors from 1818 up to 1905, superintendents of the Sunday School, etc. I was a little surprised to see that nearly all of the people mentioned were men, when we all know that church congregations depend heavily on the work of women. But this was 1905, and attitudes about who got credit for what were different then.
As for the long list of names, no doubt readers of 1905 found it interesting, knowing many of those mentioned personally. That is obviously no longer the case. But I felt I should publish the article in its entirety, since descendants of these people may find it helpful. Some of the more prominent pastors deserve some extra attention, which I have provided along with other annotations.
The Sandy Ridge Church
By Jonathan M. Hoppock
Democrat-Advertiser, August 10, 1905On [a] beautifully elevated spot along the roadside leading from Grover to Stockton stands this handsome edifice known as the Sandy Ridge Baptist Church, of Sandy Ridge, N.J.
Grover was the name used for the village of Headquarters at the turn of the century. It was the name given to the Post Office there on Dec. 14, 1887 in honor of President Grover Cleveland. The post office was discontinued in 1905, the year that Hoppock’s article was published.3 The road referred to is the Sandy Ridge Road, intersecting with the Lambertville Headquarters Road on the north and Route 523 on the south.

However, back in 1828, when Thomas Gordon published his map of Hunterdon County, the road only went as far as the church before turning south-east and following the route of present day Sandy Ridge-Mt. Airy Road. The capital B designates the Baptist Church.
Returning to Mr. Hoppock’s article:
From the Sandy Ridge Record, by Rev. E. C. Romine, and other reliable sources,4 the following facts relative to its history have been taken:
The first house of worship erected on these grounds was opened for services on the third Lord’s day in January, 1817. Previous to this time Rev. Bartolette, the Flemington pastor, had been preaching regularly in private houses for five years. At the dedication the speakers were Rev. Bartolette and Rev. Alexander Hastings.
The present edifice (here shown) was erected in 1866, during the pastorate of Rev. Samuel Sproul.
The photograph below is not the one included with Mr. Hoppock’s article when it was published. This photograph appears to be earlier than the one used in 1905 (and I like it better).

Rev. Charles Bartolette, founder and first pastor of the original church, was baptized Sept. 22, 1804, at Lower Dublin, Philadelphia, Pa., by the noted Rev. Samuel Jones who was present at his ordination in Flemington, May 11, 1812. Rev. Jones was pastor of one church fifty-one years. He was a student of the Hopewell Academy—the germ of Brown University. Rev. Bartolette was born 1794; died 1852.
Rev. Charles Bartolette
Mr. Hoppock is mistaken. Rev. Bartolette was born in 1785, in Germantown, PA. He was baptized at the age of 19, indicating that this was his own personal choice rather than something done to him by his parents. He married Martha Rush, also of Germantown, on February 22, 1808, when he was 23.5
According to Snell’s History of Hunterdon County,6 Bartolette “accepted a call from the Baptist Church of Amwell, now Flemington” on February 1, 1812. The author of the chapter on Delaware Township in Snell’s History wrote that Rev. Bartolette
“ . . . devoted a part of his time to Sandy Ridge, continuing to do so under adverse circumstances, riding from seven to nine miles and preaching from house to house, in the summer season on Sabbath afternoons, and in winter on week-days.”
On April 28, 1813, Rev. Bartolette purchased a tract of 55.14 acres in Kingwood Township from John and Rachel Woolverton for $1,450. It was previously the farm of Samuel and Susannah Runyan, bordering Asher Stevenson, John McPherson, and George Scott.7 This suggests to me that it was located north of Croton and south of Quakertown.
The next year he bought another property, this time of 31.63 acres in Amwell Township on Route 579 ( “the Road from Ringo’s Old Tavern to Buchanan’s Tavern”) from William and Jane Merrill for $3,050.8 This would have been somewhere between Ringoes and the intersection with Route 523.
These land purchases raise the question of how Bartolette, being only a newly ordained minister, could afford such expensive properties. One answer is that in the early 1800s, very few churches in Hunterdon County had “parsonage houses” to offer their ministers. So, despite the poor salary most ministers received, they were obliged to find their own housing. But in the case of Rev. Bartolette, for the rest of his life, he bought and sold quite a lot of property—not the behavior one expects from a modest pastor.9
Rev. Bartolette divided his pastorate between Sandy Ridge and Flemington for 20 years, but in 1832, resigned from the Sandy Ridge Church to give all his efforts to the Flemington church. He resigned from that church in 1846, having baptized over 400 people during his time there.
In the 1840s, Rev. Bartolette contributed information to Barber & Howe’s Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey (p. 253), in which he described the early days of both the Flemington and Sandy Ridge Baptist Churches:
“The number of communicants at this time, and for several years [at the Flemington Baptist Church], was about 70 ; but after this they began to increase, and in 1817, built the meeting-house on Sandy Ridge, of stone, 30 feet by 40, two stories. In 1818, they set off 14 members, who were constituted into a regular Baptist church. This was the second in Amwell.”
This pretty closely agrees with the version by Jonathan M. Hoppock, who wrote:
On Saturday, October 24, 1818, the church was organized with 19 members: Samuel Hunt, Mary Larue, Mathew Covenhoven, Esther Butterfauss, Rebecca Ent, Catharine Dilts, Phoeba Johnson, Anna Reeder, Mary Hunt, Isaac Wolverton, John Hunt, Esther Hunt, Nehemiah Hunt, Elizabeth Hunt, William Mitchel, Mary Ringos. John Smith, Sen., Rebecca Larue and Hannah Rittenhouse.
The next day, October 25th, Samuel Hunt and Joseph Brittain were elected deacons. Pastor Bartolette closed his labors in 1832 to give all his time to Flemington.
The second pastor, Rev. Jos. Wright was a good man. He served the church some ten years, baptizing about eighty- six persons. Part of the time he taught the Van Dolah and Sergeant’s schools. He died at the age of 84 years.
Elder Joseph Wright
Joseph Wright was born in 1795 in Lower Dublin, Bucks County to John and Elizabeth Webster Wright. About 1819 he married a woman named Mary by whom he had two daughters, Hetty Ann and Mary G. Wright.
In November 1831, Elder Wright was called to minister to the Baptist Church at Lambertville. He had previously been pastor of the First Baptist Church of Butternuts, Otsego Co., NY, so he was probably glad to return to the vicinity of his birth. As it turned out, it was not a compatible fit. The Lambertville Church had previously been ministered by a devotee of the Old School Baptist tradition. When Elder Wright began advocating for Sunday-schools, foreign missions, and ministerial education, the congregation turned against him. He “withdrew” in 1832, in time to take on the ministry of the Sandy Ridge church.
Mary Wright died on October 8, 1834, age 37, and was buried in the Sandy Ridge Cemetery. Rev. Wright’s second wife was Esther or Hester Butterfoss, daughter of Daniel and Esther Ent Butterfoss. (See The Butterfoss Family Tree.) This was not long after he began his ministry at the Sandy Ridge Church. During those years, I found no evidence of his ownership of property, so presumably he was someone’s tenant, perhaps the Butterfoss family, whose home was very near to the church.
Wright left Sandy Ridge in the early 1840s. I was surprised that Mr. Hoppock neglected to mention that Rev. Wright left to pastor to a new Baptist congregation formed in Stockton, and took several of the Sandy Ridge congregants with him. Even so, upon his death in 1880, Rev. Wright was buried in the Sandy Ridge Cemetery.
Back to Hoppock’s article:
In 1843, Rev. George Young, a very able man, who was pastor three times, began his labors. The same year thirty were baptized. Rev. J. E. Rue followed in 1847 and closed in 1850. During his time the parsonage was erected. He [Rev. Rue] was one of the founders of Peddie Institute. He was born in 1817 and died 1867; buried at Scotch Plains.
According to Snell (p.379), six acres were purchased by the church during Rue’s pastorate, “adjoining the church property, on which the present parsonage house was built.” In fact, a lot of six acres was conveyed on December 13, 1848 by John P. and Esther Hunt to the Trustees of the Sandy Ridge Baptist Church for $240.10 The lot bordered the public road from Sandy Ridge to Head Quarters, land of Silas Hoffman, Tobias Shadinger and Andrew Wolverton. There was no recital, but clearly this was part of a large tract of land that John Hunt inherited from his father Samuel Hunt (1755-1825), who was one of the original trustees of the Sandy Ridge Baptist Church. (See The Hunt Family Tree.)
The fifth pastor, Rev. J. James Baker, began in 1850 and labored with much success for four years. There were 34 baptisms in one year. He was ordained Nov. 19, 1842, in Philadelphia; died at Plainfield, N.J., Nov. 2, 1888, aged 77 years.
Then comes Rev. Jacob Timberman for about three years. A relative of the family informs us that he, his wife and all their children are now dead.
Venerated, beloved, and remembered by many was the seventh pastor, Rev. Samuel Sproul, deceased. He served nine years from 1858. The well-known and successful physician, Dr. O. H. Sproul of Flemington is his son.
Rev. Samuel Sproul
Rev. Sproul was born in Monmouth County in 1812. He married his wife Abigail Holmes there in 1835, and they had three children, Dr. Obadiah Herbert Sproul being the middle child, born in 1844. Census records for this family are not very helpful. I could not find Rev. Sproul in the 1840 census, but he was counted in 1850 living in Bordentown and practicing as a Baptist minister. No doubt there is a record somewhere of his ordination. The NJ State Census shows he was present in Delaware Township by 1865.
In fact, in 1862, Rev. Sproul was named a member of the Finance Committee for a group of citizens concerned about the Civil War.11 In 1863, a memorial service was held for G. L. Robertson, who had been killed in a battle near Richmond, and had ordered in his will that Rev. Sproul preach the funeral sermon.
Mr. Hoppock wrote that Rev. Sproul became pastor of the Sandy Ridge Church in 1858. Rev. Sproul’s obituary says he pastored there for ten years, and then for five years at Baptistown. The census for 1870 shows him living in Kingwood Twp., profession “Minister, N.S.B.,” meaning New School Baptist. So, Rev. Sproul was in sympathy with the beliefs of Elder Joseph Wright. Given the timing, it appears that Rev. Sproul was still pastor at Sandy Ridge when the new church was built.
A review of items in the Hunterdon Republican shows that Rev. Sproul performed occasional marriages during the years 1860 through 1875. Far fewer than the many performed by Rev. Bartolette. One of the most notable ones was performed on October 28, 1871, at the Parsonage at Baptistown, when Ella S. Wilson, daughter of Samuel Wilson, married Edgar [sic] T. Bush. Actually, that was Egbert T. Bush, the local historian whose article on Sandy Ridge will be published here soon.
Speaking of parsonages, Rev. Sproul, like most ministers, did not own real estate. There is only one deed for him in the Hunterdon Deed Index, and that is a deed of assignment, dated November 19, 1873. Sproul assigned all his goods and chattels over to John W. Lequear to sell and to distribute the proceeds to his creditors. As part of the deed, Sproul was obliged to inventory his assets and list his creditors. The Inventory, which Sproul himself compiled and valued, shed light on the very modest life that ministers led in the 19th century: Household Goods & Furniture $150; Library $50; 1 horse $100; 1 cow $40; 1 Hog $8; 1 Buggy Carriage $100; 1 Jenny Lind do $20; set of harness $12; 2 Horse Tras[?] $1.50; strap of Bells $1.25; 1 wheel Barrow $2; 2 Forks $1.25; 2 shovels & 1 spade $1.50; Garden Rake, 2 Hoes, Potato Digger $1.00; Hay Cutter $5; 1 Sleigh $10; also a Judgment against Jonathan B. Sproul [his son] $620; for a total of $1123.00.
His creditors were Francis B. Sebold $350; Hannah Melick $100; John Heoff ? $50; Mrs. Johnson $200; Perseverance Lodge Milford half of $100; Dr. J. S. Hunt (Easton, Pa) $150; Coole & Co., NY $150; S. B. Hudnit Estate $100; John Ramsey $150; Joseph Dalrymple $150. Total of $1500.
Mr. Lequear probably managed to get things resolved for Rev. Sproul in 1874. On January 14, 1875, the Hunterdon Republican announced that “Rev. Samuel Sproul, pastor of the Kingwood Baptist Church, has accepted a call to the Schooley’s Mountain Baptist Church.” After that, he moved to Mt. Olive, in Morris County where he died on July 26, 1880. He was buried at the cemetery at his birthplace, Keyport, Monmouth County. His wife Abigail died May 9, 1885 and was buried next to him.
Mr. Hoppock continues:
Next Rev. Benjamin R. Black, who remained three years, doing faithful service. Rev. Black was ordained in 1873. Rev. A. W. Peck served about one year. He is now dead. Rev. M. B. Lanning began April 1st, 1881, and labored faithfully for over four years. He went to California, where he is said to be living. The eleventh pastor, Rev. A. Cauldwell, kindly remembered, served two years, until 1888. He died in 1895.
Rev. George H. Larison, M.D., was the next pastor. Dr. Larison was always a true friend of missions and revivals. He died in Lambertville, March 7th, 1892, and left the world better by his living.
On the first day of May, 1897, Rev. William G. Robinson began his zealous labors, which closed September 28, 1902. He is now a successful pastor in Newfield, this State. The present genial and beloved pastor, Rev. Williams, is a worthy successor to the noble men he follows.
The first trustees: John Hunt, Joseph Brittain, John Covenhoven, John Smith, Samuel Hunt, William Mitchel and Samuel Rittenhouse.
Clerks: Garret Wilson, Jonas Lake, Samuel R. Hunt, George W. Sharp, George H. Larison, Cornelius L. Hunt, Charles B. Higgins, James M. Cox and Lewis C. Paxson.
The first record of a Sunday School gives the date 1843. Among the superintendents have been George W. Sharp, Charles Stillwell, C. B. Higgins and Wilson Hunt. Jas. M. Cox, the present superintendent, has acted in that capacity since 1860. He is first cousin to S. S. Cox, deceased, of Congressional fame.
The following were licensed by this church to preach: Charles E. Wilson, William E. Lock, William V. Wilson, A. Ammerman and Edward C. Romine.
The following have been deacons Samuel Hunt, William Mitchel, Garret Wilson, Jonas Lake, Tobias Shadinger, Dilts Larue, Acker Moore, C. Q. Higgins, Jas. Romine, Benjamin Larison, Newton B. Rittenhouse, Samuel R. Bodine, Dr. Wm. E. Cornog and James M. Cox.
The Cemetery
In the large and beautiful cemetery adjoining the church, awaiting the time when the “general roll” will be called, rest the remains of numbers who —in their day and generation—nobly and well did their part in life, before the grim destroyer of all things earthly called them hence, many of them life-long members of the church they dearly loved. The first three pastors of the church—Rev’s. Bartolette, Wright and Young—sleep in this cemetery. Here also are the graves of Rev’s. Morgan Cox and Andrew Larison, besides those of ex-Sheriff John P. Rittenhouse, Benjamin Larison and other men of prominence. In a single row, side by side, lie the remains of twenty-four members of the Hunt family, whose ages range from infancy to extreme old age.
In his article, “Headstones and Headlines,” Egbert T. Bush listed some of the Hunt family, beginning with Nehemiah, who died in 1823 at the early age of 41. His father Samuel died in 1825, age 71, and his son John died in 1860, age 73.12
It surprises me that Hoppock made no mention of Rev. Cox until this point. Morgan Rhees Cox was born 1798 to Gen. James Cox and Ann Borden Potts of Upper Freehold, NJ. In 1822, Cox married Mary Bray Rittenhouse, daughter of Jonathan Rittenhouse and Delilah Bray, and granddaughter of Gen. Daniel Bray and Mary Wolverton.
In 1825, Rev. Cox was licensed by the Baptist congregation at Locktown to preach the Baptist religion at Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania, across the Delaware River from Portland, NJ.13 According to his gravestone, he was ordained in 1826.
I have not been able to find much about Cox after 1826. In 1840 he was living in Bernards Twp., Somerset County. In 1850, he had moved to Upper Cape May where he was identified as a 51-year-old clergyman, living with wife Mary 51, daughters Anne 28 and Mary E. 15, and son James M. Cox age 9.14 In 1860, Rev. Cox was living in South Brunswick, NJ. Which goes to show how peripatetic ministers were.

On March 3rd of 1860, Rev. Cox purchased five small lots from John G. and Elizabeth Fisher of Readington Township.15 His house lot was located at the bend in the Rittenhouse Road, as you can see in the detail from the Beers Atlas. Rittenhouse Road did not become a public road until 1866, after a petition dated September 4, 1866 was submitted to the freeholders, signed by Rev. Morgan Cox among others, asking for the road to be made public. (For more about this, see Rittenhouse Road.)
Rev. Cox’s home in Delaware Township was his last one. By 1870, he was 72 years old, listed as a farmer in the census for that year, living with wife Mary 71, daughter Mary 35 and son James 29. In 1880 he was in the same place, but now recognized as a “retired minister.” He died on January 9, 1881, and, as Mr. Hoppock mentioned, was buried in the Sandy Ridge Cemetery next to his wife Mary Bray Rittenhouse, who died on July 13, 1880.
Mr. Hoppock next provides some early history of Sandy Ridge:
The following well-authenticated facts relative to the history of the Sandy Ridge Church, and the early settlement of the surrounding country—were kindly furnished by Mr. Cyrus Van Dolah, the present owner of the well-known old Van Dolah homestead that has been continuously owned by some member of the Van Dolah family since 1738, and who have occupied it since 1725.
He was the son of Cyrus Van Dolah, Sr. (1806-1891, see The Vandolah Family Tree), and assisted Laura Groff with her article on the Van Dolah School. Even though Cyrus Van Dolah was an admired historian of the area, I must take issue with the notion of “well-authenticated facts,” which I will dispute in my footnotes.
According to early history, William Biddle purchased 5,000 acres of land of Sir George Cartaret.16 Biddle employed two noted English surveyors by the names of Bool to divide it.17 They began at Sandy Ridge, going a southeasterly course, dividing the lands now owned by Cyrus Van Dolah and William Hilliard, Joseph D. Case and Thomas Seabrook, extending down in Mercer county.18
After that Sandy Ridge was called “Bool’s Corner,” in honor of these two noted surveyors, whose ability, it is said, ranked with Mason and Dixon, who established the celebrated slave line in 1763-7.
Among those who first purchased land were the Dimsdales, Marcelisons, Van Voorsts (this name is claimed by some to be Voorhees), Van Dolahs, Butterfauss’s, Whypers, Greens, Hagamans and Van Horns.

Here is a detail from the Hammond Map, showing the Sandy Ridge area and land remaining to William Biddle It also shows that Richard Bull kept a large portion of the tract for himself, covering the northern part of Sandy Ridge.
Deer are said to have abounded in the forests in those early days. The black squirrel, the cat head and the moffet were plentiful. The latter would run up and jump from tree to tree, but would never run down. Whenever they wanted to descend to the ground they would run to the end of a branch, roll themselves up into a ball and drop to the earth.
The internet has finally let me down. I found nothing there to enlighten me about cat heads and moffets. Ben Zimmer found indications that a cat head was a large fish, but nothing on moffets. It sounds like they were similar to squirrels.
The first church was established in 1817, then named Sandy Ridge, and rebuilt in 1866. The land was given by Daniel Butterfauss, upon which the old church and that portion of the cemetery known as the “old part” are situated. The “tie grounds,” was purchased of the Van Dolahs. The masons were David Morgan and Ezekiel Everitt. They also built the old Van Dolah school house about one-half mile south of the church.
The expression “tie grounds” had me stumped. Robert K. Hornby speculated that it was related to “Tigh” land, which in medieval times was a fenced enclosure next to a house. That seems consistent with the idea that the church bought an adjacent lot. Unfortunately, there is no deed recorded from the Vandolah family to the Baptist trustees, so I cannot say where this was located. I assume that it was not the six acres that were purchased from the Hunts in 1848, unless Mr. Hoppock was mistaken about who sold the lot.
The first person to be buried in the cemetery was Rebecca Doyle, who lived with relatives on the farm now owned by J. D. Case. In those days sextons in the country were unknown, it being the custom for neighbors to lend a helping hand in digging graves. Her grave was dug by Garret Van Dolah, and while at work the late Benjamin Bodine, the grandfather of Deacon Samuel R. Bodine, who resides on the farm which his grandfather occupied, came along and inquired whose grave was being dug. On being informed, he replied: “I want it said that I helped to dig the first grave in this yard,” and kindly lent a helping hand. Her tombstone bears the following inscription:
In Memory of
Rebecca Doyle
who departed this life
April 24th, 1819, aged 62 years.
See, travelers, as you pass by,
As you are now so once was I;
As I am now so you must be;
Prepare for death, and follow me.There are other bodies buried in this yard of persons who died previous to the above date, but they were removed from other places and brought here for interment. The parsonage was built in 1849. It is situated about one-half mile east of the church. Just west of the parsonage barn there used to be a graveyard, but Who is buried there? Echo answers, Who? The last person who knew anything concerning this ancient yard was the late Cornelius Bodine, recently deceased at the age of 80 years. He informed the writer that when a boy he remembered a graveyard being there, but was unable to tell who[se] remains were there buried.
J. M. Hoppock
Fortunately for researchers today, it is possible to get a pretty complete listing of the burials in the Sandy Ridge Cemetery by visiting the website, Find-a-Grave, where 1,621 graves are listed. Things have changed a lot since 1905 when Mr. Hoppock was writing. He had no access to all the resources we rely on now, but he did have personal contact with the people he wrote about, or their children, which is an advantage that is easy to underestimate.
- Most of the work (and it was a lot of work) was done by Marilyn Cummings, to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. ↩
- In 2015, I published an article about the Van Dolah School, located nor far south of the Sandy Ridge Church. Actually, there is very little overlap between that article and this one. Another article, “They Cut a Wagon in Half,” concerns a wagon built by Henry and John Van Dolah, in which I write about some of the Sandy Ridge residents, especially members of the Butterfoss family. ↩
- From Hunterdon County Postal History, part four, by Jim Walker, 2010. ↩
- I regret to say that Mr. Hoppock’s “reliable sources” cannot always be relied on. Mr. Hoppock had a reputation for being a little gullible. It is always good to double check his statements. ↩
- I have not yet found a source for the marriage date, but the name of Rev. Bartolette’s wife comes from a biography of his son Charles in Transactions of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1872. ↩
- James P. Snell, History of Hunterdon County, 1881, p. 378. Since Snell’s History was published in 1881, we can assume that Mr. Hoppock got some of his information from this book. ↩
- H.C. Deed Book 21 p. 16. ↩
- H.C. Deed Book 22 p. 197. ↩
- Deeds for Charles Bartolette were recorded from 1815 through 1854. However, some of them may have been for his son, Charles, Jr., who came of age in 1842. ↩
- H.C. Deed Book 93 p. 59. The trustees were Garret Wilson, Nicholas B. Higgins, Daniel Butterfoss and William Hice. ↩
- This comes from the Aug. 1, 1862 edition of the Hunterdon Republican. The abstract by Bill Hartman did not provide much information on this group. ↩
- See The Hunt Family Tree. ↩
- This item is mentioned in Snell’s History of Hunterdon County and in Stephen Zdepski, “Baptist in Kingwood, NJ: A History of the Kingwood Baptist Church at Baptistown and Locktown and the Present Baptistown Baptist Church,” 1974, p. 11. ↩
- Here’s an oddity: That son, James Morgan Coxe, married Mary Jennie Rittenhouse in 1872. She was the granddaughter of Jonathan Rittenhouse and Delilah Bray, and therefore the niece of James Cox’s parents. ↩
- H. C. Deed Book 122 p. 632. ↩
- Not exactly. William Biddle purchased his proprietary shares from the West Jersey Proprietors, not from George Carteret, who was governor of East New Jersey. ↩
- Actually, there was only one Bool: Richard Bull, a busy surveyor for the West Jersey Proprietors. Bull’s Island is named for him. I don’t know why Cyrus Van Dolah thought there were two of them. As to that long straight line running southeast from Sandy Ridge, it was called “Bool’s line.” It did not divide the Biddle tract, however. It ran along the western border of the Benjamin Field tract and the Biddle tract. And the Biddle tract was not 5,000 acres, but only 1,500 acres. Biddle was entitled to 5,000 acres from the number of proprietary shares he owned, but they were surveyed in smaller parcels. ↩
- For other stories concerning Richard Bull, click on Families in the right-hand column, and scroll down to “Bull” where you will find 11 articles concerning Richard Bull and his family. ↩
Marty Campanelli
December 15, 2018 @ 8:51 am
Marfy, in Rev. Sproul’s inventory, the words you question “Horse Tras” is actually horse trap. That’s a two-wheeled cart. See Wikipedia definition here:
Stuart Wisse
December 15, 2018 @ 2:31 pm
It is interesting that the Sandy Ridge Church Cemetery as well as nearby Barbers Burying Ground has significant areas devoted to African American burials of the early 1800s. Those grave sites were outside of the stone walls, separated from the white families. Sandy Ridge maps were still in tact and identified its area, roughly located behind the church. Early Barbers maps are lost, but E.T. Bush identifies the east facing hillside of the African American burials, formerly marked by field stones. The last burial may have been around 1820 of “Old Jack”.
Mr. Bush also mentions that “catheads and moffats” were hunted in abundance in the big woods of Sandy Ridge. I believe he referenced them as being very large squirrels and flying squirrels, no long in the area.
Linda Lyons
December 15, 2018 @ 6:07 pm
Very interesting article. I see that my ancestor Mary Rittenhouse Ringo c.1724-1819 (widow of Moses Rittenhouse Sr. and then Albertus Ringo) and her daughter Hannah Rittenhouse Dalrymple 1767-1838 were among the original 19 members. I guess that she might have been buried there but perhaps at Prallville with her first husband since her second husband was buried with his first wife in Mt. Airy.
Linda Lyons
December 15, 2018 @ 6:36 pm
I must correct my previous comment. The Hannah Rittenhouse among the first members could not have been Mary Rittenhouse Ringo’s daughter because her Hannah married John Dalrymple in 1785. My mistake.
Nancy Rittenhouse Parker
December 16, 2018 @ 9:38 am
Thank u – haven’t had time to read ur articles for a while, but making when I can -the thank you is for answering my question to myself as to why my father’s father lived in Brainards NJ but bought a plot in cemetery on three church hill in Mt. Bethel-answer – he worked for Alpha Portland Cement and was a Baptist – your notes re: Baptist Church in Mt. Bethel bring it together for me. Now will look to see if that church still standing… also references to Hunts. My mother was an Adams born 1914 her tree is extensive and I say yes they go back to those Adames of Mass. Several generations buried Sussex County -at one time she made a comment about how one of my father’s brothers wives being a Hunt – the old family names at one time still meant something to what were older people to my generation -my father would make comments about how he didn’t understand why my brother married the woman he married because she was a descendent of a family that apparently didn’t have a very good reputation to the Rittenhouses – those were the old ways – families had reputations at one time and people of good morality to whom reputations meant a lot didn’t want their children married into families that were not reputable – I finally understand that father of mine – a quiet man of few words but wise. He knew he would never be able to control me so when I got involved with my ex, all he had to say to me was to be careful what I was doing because sometimes when people have too much money sometimes they didn’t get it the right way -after 20 years of that marriage hearing the stories, I finally understood what he meant – he was right – thank the Lord that my character was not one that I would sell my soul to the devil for anything. Will pass the Hunt info onto my cousin and tell them about ur page for they may have no clue – two of dad’s brothers, with WW2 sending them everywhere married Hunt sisters but they were from Massachusetts -Boston accent and all ….again thanks
Nancy Rittenhouse Parker
December 16, 2018 @ 9:48 am
email me should there be a need for support for petition to make Sandy Ridge area historic site will write letter to appropriate parties if I have info –
Goodspeed Histories: End of 2018
December 17, 2018 @ 11:45 am
[…] I’m starting off with an article by Jonathan M. Hoppock published in 1905, and following up with one by Egbert T. Bush. They were two very different historians, as you will see. Sandy Ridge Church […]