In my research I have often come across references to Johnson’s Tavern as a landmark. Deeds refer to it when identifying roads, like “the road from Swamp Meeting House (Locktown) to Johnson’s Tavern” or “the road from Rittenhouse Tavern (Rosemont) to Johnson’s Tavern.” And sometimes it is just “the great road to Johnson’s Tavern,” which is today’s Route 519 through Kingwood Township.
The families listed here are the ones whose names appear most often in my posts. The website has many other names of Hunterdon and old Burlington County families. Please use the search window to find what you are looking for.
Fulper Family Tree
I think this is the first time I’ve prepared a tree and not found any second marriages. Given the mortality of young women in the 19th century, this is quite a surprise, and I suspect I am missing someone.
Fulper’s Store
or The Gilded Age on Main Street
By the time of the Civil War, Flemington had grown considerably, but the war had dampened commercial spirits and citizens were eager for a comeback. This was demonstrated by an item from the editor of the Hunterdon Republican, on Nov. 1, 1865:
The Swamp Meeting House Tavern
I have written about Locktown’s tavern before—in my article on the life of Daniel Rittenhouse. At the time that I wrote it, I thought he had established the original tavern. That turns out to be not true.
Dalrymple Family Tree

I decided to make a tree out of the information I have accrued so far to help me sort out relations in my article on The Locktown Hotel. I have not deeply studied this family, so there are certain to be mistakes and missing family members. As always, additions and corrections are welcome. Also, children of daughters will be listed, but not grandchildren.
Servis Family Tree

It was Isaac Servis (c.1770-1846) who inspired me to compose this Servis family tree. He was the earliest known tavernkeeper in the village of Locktown in old Amwell Township, and son of first generation George & Rebecca Servis.
I am certain there are mistakes and omissions in this tree, and will be happy to receive corrections and additions. Add them to the Comments section below or email me with your information.
Emery Family Tree
Rea Family Tree
First Generation:
(1) Alexander Rea (1710 – 1771) & Sarah
Alexander Rea and his second wife Sarah were Irish immigrants who first appeared in Sussex County, New Jersey about 1752. They eventually settled in Kingwood Township, where Alexander died leaving property to his sons and money to his daughters.
Oysters Every Style
The surprising history behind a modest building
My last article was the first of the series I hope to write about Flemington’s 19th century buildings with arches on their rooflines. That last article featured the Clock Tower building at the corner of Main Street and Bloomfield Avenue, built in 1874 by George A. Rea. Now let’s stroll south along Main Street to visit the next building in this series.
The Clock Tower Building
My previous article served as an introduction to the subject of the interesting buildings on Flemington’s Main Street that all feature an arch in the middle of their front roofline. Now let’s focus on each of them individually, starting with: