Click the subject titles below:
I. West New Jersey
II. Hunterdon County
III. Delaware Township
IV. Hunterdon Historians
V. Basic Sources
Many of the stories in the West New Jersey section are strictly chronological, beginning with 1677. The whole section can be taken as one long story, and it is far from finished. Here is a list of the WNJ stories, starting from the beginning and ending with 1691, and also a separate category for Dr. Daniel Coxe, one-time governor of West New Jersey.
The Early Years of West New Jersey
How New Jersey Began (1/26/2014)
West New Jersey, 1674-1680 (9/15/2009)
Postscript to WNJ (9/28/2009)
West New Jersey – 1680 (9/29/2009)
West New Jersey in 1681 (10/12/2009)
Life in West New Jersey, 1680 (10/19/2009)
West New Jersey, 1682 (11/11/2009)
West New Jersey, 1683 (11/16/2009)
West New Jersey, 1684 (12/6/2009)
How to Survive in West New Jersey (12/7/2009)
West New Jersey, 1685 (12/11/2009)
West New Jersey, 1686 (12/20/2009)
John Reading and the Town of Gloucester, 1686 (12/31/2009)
West New Jersey in 1687, Part One (1/9/2010)
West New Jersey in 1687, Part Two (1/11/2010)
William Cooper’s Manor House (1/15/2010)
East New Jersey, West New Jersey (4/7/2010)
Proprietary Land Titles (6/4/2010)
West New Jersey, 1688 (7/14/2010)
West NJ 1688 and Daniel Coxe part one (7/24/2010)
1688, Daniel Coxe’s Schemes (7/31/2010)
Coxe’s Landholdings, 1688 (7/31/2010)
Quaker Justice, 1688 (8/3/2010)
The Missing Records (8/9/2010)
The Great Seal of West Jersey (8/11/2010)
West New Jersey 1689, part one (9/29/2010)
West New Jersey, 1689 part two (10/5/2010)
West New Jersey 1690, part one (11/1/2010)
West New Jersey 1690, part two (11/4/2010)
Death of a “Negro Woman Servant” (11/23/2010)
West New Jersey 1691 (3/30/2011)
The Burlington Waterlots (4/17/2011)
A Halloween Story (Capt. Kidd) (10/28/2017)
Regarding Dr. Daniel Coxe
Daniel Coxe, Part 1 (4/7/2010)
More on the Curious Dr. Daniel Coxe (4/8/2010)
Daniel Coxe, Physician (4/10/2010)
The “Inquisitive” Dr. Coxe (4/14/2010)
The “Learned and Intelligent Dr. Daniel Coxe” (4/20/2010)
The Radical Daniel Coxe (4/22/2010)
Coxe and the Colonies, Part One (5/2/2010)
The Carolina Constitutions (5/20/2010)
Daniel Coxe, Merchant Investor (5/28/2010)
- Hunterdon’s Original People
- First European Owners
- First Resident Families
- Community in the 18th century
- Revolution & the War of 1812
- Antebellum Hunterdon (1815-1860)
- Hunterdon in the Civil War
- Recovering From War
Over time I hope to give Hunterdon County history its due, but there is a long way to go, as the county has a rich history. This section is undergoing major revision (October 2020). The categories are being rearranged to focus more on Hunterdon’s history. As a result, many articles belong in more than one category, which is why you will find some titles showing up more than once. Here are the stories published so far:
1. Hunterdon’s Original People
Interpreting Lenape (2/13/2011)
The Lenape of Central New Jersey (9/23/2012)
By Their Names You Shall Know Them (2/17/2013)
2. First European Owners
John Reading and the Creation of Hunterdon County
Part One–As part of Burlington County
Part Two–Reading Moves to Amwell Township
Part Three–Hunterdon is Created; Death of John Reading
Proprietary Tracts
The people I write about in this section can be found on Hammond’s wonderful maps of the first landowners of Hunterdon County. I will never be able to write about all of them, but will start with some of the earliest landowners in the southern part of the county.
In the Lotting Purchase
Edward Kemp (9/2/2013)
Richard Bull, Surveyor (12/8/13)
Elizabeth Haddon (The Haddon Tract, part one, 11/11/17)
The Cook Proprietary Tract (3/24/2018)
From Reading to Larison (6/12/2015)
From Robeson to Howell (6/19/2015)
3. First Resident Families
It is hard to categorize these articles, since the families that started early in Hunterdon often lasted well into the 20th century.
For a list of Hunterdon Families, click on the word “Families” in the top bar. Names in caps have published family trees. “Families” also appear in the right menu list. Clicking on that will give you a list of articles that feature each listed family.
Samuel Green (and Family)
Samuel Green of West New Jersey (8/20/2009)
Postscript to Samuel Green, part 1 (8/29/2009)
Samuel Green and West New Jersey, part 2 (9/10/2009)
The Thomas Green(e)s of West New Jersey (11/23/2010)
The Greens of Amwell (2/1/2014)
Richard Green and Elizabeth Wolverton (2/14/2014)
“Michigan Fever” (11/7/2016)
The Fox Family
The Quaker George Fox (6/13/2009)
Postscript to George Fox (6/21/2009)
George Fox of Hunterdon County (6/25/2009)
George Fox, Part 3 (7/1/2009)
Fox Descendants (7/3/2009)
The Will of George Fox, 1754 (7/6/2009)
Children of George and Mary Fox (7/10/2009)
The Fifth George Fox (7/16/2009)
The “Precocious” Edward Fox (7/22/2009)
Postscript to George Fox, 1700-1754 (7/24/2009)
Widow Mary Fox Goes to Court (7/26/2009)
George Fox in the Revolution (7/29/2009)
The Bonham Family
Anchor Fox and Uriah Bonham (7/31/2009)
Children of Anchor Fox and Uriah Bonham (8/4/2009)
Mary Fox and Malakiah Bonham (8/7/2009)
What Happened to Malakiah Bonham? (8/11/2009)
Lambert Family
The Lambert Farms of Amwell Township
Two Lambert Farms, part one, 9/25/2016
Sen. Lambert’s Farm, part two, 10/10/2016
Gershom Lambert’s Farm, 10/21/2016
Members of the Rittenhouse Family
Daniel Rittenhouse of Locktown (10/22/2013)
John P. Rittenhouse (4/2/2017)
John P. Rittenhouse, part two (4/14/2017)
Other Hunterdon People
Return to Old Amwell (11/18/2016)
Cornelius H. Barber (12/16/17)
The Conklings, Father and Son (11/8/14)
Wm Crater, Blacksmith of Glen Gardner (7/21/18)
Martin Kaffitz & Hattie Fritts (6/9/2018)
Query: Who Was William Nixon (4/17/15)
Rev. Joshua Primmer (2/7/15)
John Rake Jr. of Sand Brook
Wolvertons aka Kallikaks (6/2/2018)
4. Community in the 18th century
This category includes articles describing what life was like in Hunterdon in the 18th century, including such things as roads, taverns, and new homes.
John Reading’s Journal (10/17/2010). Much more needs to be written about one of the earliest and most important residents of Hunterdon County, the father of the John Reading who wrote a journal in the mid-18th century.
Early Roads & Bridges
Jacobs Path, an 1813 Shortcut, 6/13/2014
The Amwell Road of 1721, 6/20/2014
The Amwell-Hopewell Road of 1736, 7/5/2014
Baptistown, part two, 2/29/2020
Early Churches & Cemeteries
The first churches in Hunterdon County were important to its early settlement as people tended to settle in the vicinity of a church that served the religion they belonged to.
I have written about several early churches in Delaware Township (see below) which, for the most part, I am not including here. This is a category I hope to develop. For an excellent resource on this subject, see Frank L. Greenagle, The New Jersey Churchscape: Encountering Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Churches, New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ., 2001.
The Trout Cemetery, 10/11/2014
Query: Union Cemeteries
Family Burying Grounds Matter, 9/26/2015
Carman Cemetery in Raritan on 523
Early Taverns
John Anderson’s Tavern
This 18th century tavern on Route 31 south of Ringoes was operated by Capt. John Anderson during the Revolution.
Baptist Town Tavern
Baptistown, Part One and Part Two
The Boarshead Tavern
Another old-time landmark on Route 579 at the eastern end of Boarshead Road, it was in operation as early as 1757.
E. T. Bush, Boarshead Tavern, 8/9/2013
The Boarshead Tavern in the 18th Century, 8/25/2013
Buchanan’s Tavern
This old-time landmark at the intersection of Routes 523 and 579 proved to be a great opportunity to look into the Robins/Robbins family and the Buchanan family, beginning with Egbert T. Bush’s own article about it.
E. T. Bush, Buchanan’s, A Tavern With a Long History, 9/22/2012
The Two Taverns at Robins Hill (12/8/2012)
The Two Taverns at Robins Hill part 2 (12/23/2012)
Daniel Robins’ House (1/23/2013)
The Two Taverns at Robins Hill part 3 (1/24/2013)
The Two Taverns at Robins Hill, part 4 (3/9/2013) The Second Buchanan’s Tavern
An 1835 Doodle (5/2/2013)
Buchanan’s Tavern, the Last Chapter (5/3/2013)
Delilah Buchanan’s Tavern License Application (8/13/2013)
Flemington’s Union Hotel
Union Hotel, part one (10/2/2021)
Union Hotel, part two (11/6/2021)
Union Hotel, part three (12/3/2021)
Alexandria Township:
Pittstown Inn, part one, 9/10/2022
Pittstown Inn, part two, 10/14/2022
Pittstown Tavern, part three, 11/29/2022
Franklin Township:
The James Anderson Tavern, 5/28/2022
Cherryville’s Tavern, 6/19/2022
Quakertown’s Taverns, 7/17/2022
Raritan Township:
Klinesville Tavern(s), 4/15/2022 – and
Klinesville People, 4/15/2022
Point Tavern, 5/7/2022
Larason’s Tavern, 3/25/2023
Kingwood: Johnson’s Tavern, 2/27/2022
Locktown: The Tavern at the Swamp Meeting House, 1/22/2022
Stockton: “A House Divided,” Howell’s Tavern, 9/27/2014
A Mystery Village (10/4/14) – This one might not be in Hunterdon.
5. Revolution & the War of 1812
All Roads Lead To Pittstown (2/26/2016)
Washington’s Headquarters, Raritan Twp., 1777 (Sep 26, 1901) published 3/21/11
Campground of the Continental Army, 1777 (Oct. 10, 1901) published2/26/2016
Washington’s Headquarters, July 1777 (Oct 11, 1901) published 3/2/11
White Hall Recruiting Station, 1775-1781 (Oct 24, 1901) published 3/20/11
Home of Capt. David Jones (Aug 31, 1905) published 2/27/12
Thomas Jones v David Johnes (2/27/2012) Regarding the collection and concealment of the boats used for Washington’s Crossing.
Who Collected the Boats? (8/20/2016) “JMH, Neglected Revolutionary Heroes” (Retraction: It was Thomas Jones after all)
Letters of Sen. John Lambert
John Lambert Esq. wrote many letters to his granddaughters during his absence from his home in Amwell Township, in Washington, DC, as first a Congressman, and then a Senator from New Jersey. He was a resident of Delaware Twp. back when it was part of Amwell Township, but he should really be considered a person with county-wide influence. His letters are especially interesting in that he was one of the few to vote against going to war against Great Britain in 1812.
December 26, 1805 to Thomas Dennis (8/28/2012)
Jan. 5, 1807, to Susan Hoppock (8/18/2012)
January 16, 1807, to Susan Hoppock (9/6/2012)
February 9, 1807, to Susan Hoppock (9/8/2012)
February 22, 1807, to Susan Hoppock (9/9/2012)
December 11, 1807, to Susan Hoppock (9/22/2012)
December 28, 1807, to Susan Hoppock (10/2/2012)
February 1, 1808, to Susan Hoppock (10/8/2012)
February 19, 1808, to Susan Hoppock (10/28/2012)
Bucking The Party Line in 1812 (11/11/2020)
6. Antebellum Hunterdon (1815-1860)
I should probably call this period ‘Between the Wars’ instead of ‘before war’. It covers the time following the War of 1812 and ending with the lead-up to the Civil War. During this time Flemington developed as the county seat of Hunterdon and new political parties emerged. It was also a time when expansion into the western territories became a major preoccupation, and many Hunterdon families departed for the west.
Death and Dying in 1850 Hunterdon–The Hunterdon Co. Mortality Schedule (10/31/14)
News & Politics
Nathaniel Saxton Esq. (1/8/2012) and Saxton’s Politics (2/11/2012). Saxton had great influence in Delaware Township, but he was really a Hunterdon county man.
Aristocratical Stocktons: Party politics in 1803 (10/19/2019)
Samuel Green Opdycke, Esq., another interesting, and somewhat tragic, Flemington lawyer. The second article describes his untimely end.
Hunterdon County’s Courthouse (2/16/2019)
The Jubilee of 1826, 7/2/2013
The Jubilee Continues, 7/3/2013
July 4th in the 1830s
Hunterdon’s Militia (1850s), 10/30/2020
Hunterdon Divided (11/7/2020)
Political Turmoil in the 1850s (3/26/2021)
Choosing Sides (4/9/2021)
Crime & Punishment
The Story of Little Jim, part one (8/5/2017)
The Story of Little Jim, part two (8/11/2017)
The Story of Little Jim, part three (8/18/2017)
New Newspapers:
Charles George and the Hunterdon Gazette (2/17/2017)
Chas. George & the Gazette, part two (2/24/2017)
The Hunterdon Republican began publication in 1856; that is covered in the article “Choosing Sides.” The Hunterdon County Democrat began in 1838, when Amwell Township was divided into three municipalities.
Life in Hunterdon:
Flemington’s Pulmonic Tonic (10/17/21)
7. Hunterdon in the Civil War
Civil War Taxes
The Civil War Tax Assessmenets (10/30/2010)
Civil War Taxes, part two (1/26/2011)
Civil War Taxes, part three (1/29/2011)
Civil War Taxes, part four (2/2/2011)
Civil War Taxes, part five (3/5/2011)
Hunterdon Co. Civil War Tax Assessments (5/12/2011)
Civil War Politics
“Copperheadism” in Locktown (5/15/2015)
The Democratic Club of Delaware Twp., 1863 (6/5/2015)
1863 Politics in Delaware Twp. (10/9/2015)
Democrats & Union Men, continued (10/27/2015)
The Two John Barbers (11/7/2015)
On the Eve of War (1/7/2020)
Pole Raising in the Days of Lincoln (3/3/2020)
Ellicott’s Diary
Benjamin Ellicott’s Diary (4/17/15)
Ellicott’s Diary, continued (5/22/2015)
The Civil War in 1862 ( 5/29/15)
Ellicott’s Diary, January 1863 (7/18/2015)
Ellicott’s Diary, February 1863 (8/30/2015)
Ellicott’s Diary, March 1863 (9/5/2015)
Ellicott’s Diary, April 1863 (9/11/15)
Ellicott’s Diary, June 1863 (10/9/15)
Ellicott’s Diary, July 1863, part one (10/16/15)
Ellicott’s Diary, July 1863, part two (10/23/15)
Ellicott’s Diary, August 1863 (10/29/15)
8. Recovering From War
A time of rebuilding, restoring the old, but also leaping ahead into new projects–industries, schools, infrastructure, as well as new associations. This section is very undeveloped as of Oct. 2020.
The Wickecheoke Tribe of Red Men (11/13/15)
19th-century Accidents (12/1/2018)
Roads, Bridges
The bridges I have written about so far are located in Delaware Township (see below).
Hoagland’s Road, part one (7/18/2020)
Series: The Delaware-Flemington Railroad
1 The Railroad That Wasn’t Built (8/31/2019)
2 Kessler & Co. (9/21/2019)
3 From Prallsville to Rake’s Farm (11/30/2019)
4 From One Johnson to Another (12/19/2019)
5 Moore, Maresca & Fulper (1/14/2020)
6 East End of Sergeantsville (1/25/2020)
7 Between Sergeantsville & Sand Brook (3/20/2020)
8 A Train Through Sand Brook (4/18/2020)
9 From Sand Brook to Raritan (5/9/2020)
10 Carman, Hoagland & Higgins (6/18/2020)
11 The Carman Farm (6/26/2020)
12 Hoagland’s Road, part two (10/16/2020)
13 The Sergeants of Raritan (11/28/2020)
14 Sergeant and Hastings (12/12/2020)
15 Coming Into the Station (1/9/2021)
Hunterdon People
Return to Old Amwell (11/18/2016)
Cornelius H. Barber (12/16/17)
The Conklings, Father and Son (11/8/14)
Wm Crater, Blacksmith of Glen Gardner (7/21/18)
Martin Kaffitz & Hattie Fritts (6/9/2018)
Rev. Joshua Primmer (2/7/15)
Query: Who Was William Nixon (4/17/15)
John Rake Jr. of Sand Brook.
Daniel Rittenhouse of Locktown
John P. Rittenhouse (4/2/2017)
John P. Rittenhouse, part two (4/14/2017)
Hunterdon Places: Cemeteries
Family Burying Grounds Matter, 9/26/15
Carman Cemetery in Raritan on 523 (Carman, Hoagland & Higgins), 6/18/2020
The Trout Cemetery, 10/11/14
Hunterdon Towns
Civil Boundaries
A Shrinking Township (7/6/2019)
Shrinking Township, part two (7/20/2019)
Baptists Divided, 2/21/2014 [Locktown]
A Scandal in Baptistown, 3/1/2014
The Town of Clinton is Born, part 1, 7/8/16
The Ruin of A. S. Taylor (7/30/16)
Copper Hill
At the intersection of Hampton Corner Road with old Route 31. I am including all the farms along Hampton Corner Road in this neighborhood.
The Old Lequear Farm, 5/16/2020
Hill’s Mills at Copper Hill, 8/20/2020
At the intersection of Route 12, Old Croton Rd. and Route 579.
Three of a Kind, 6/10/16
Hardscrabble, 3/28/2020, by Egbert T. Bush
The Jubilee of 1826, 7/2/2013
The Jubilee Continues, 7/3/2013
Series: Downtown Flemington
The Fisher-Reading Mansion, 8/16/2015
A Store, A Bank, A Mansion, 2/21/2021
One Man Makes a Difference, 3/12/2021
Flemington’s First Bank, 4/23/2021
Flemington’s First Bank, part two, 6/11/2021
The Clock Tower Building, 8/17/2021
Oysters Every Style, 9/2/2021
Union Hotel, part one, 10/2/2021
Union Hotel, part two (11/6/2021)
Union Hotel, part three (12/3/2021)
Fulper’s Store (2/10/2022)
Hopewell’s Buildings (3/18/2022)
David Bishop and His Store (1/13/2018)
Stockton/Centre Bridge
A House Divided, 9/27/2014
E. T. Bush, The Biggest Log Ever Brought to Stockton, 10/25/14
When Stockton Was Not So Dry, part one, 9/22/2017
When Stockton Was Not So Dry, part two, 10/13/2017
A Stockton Inn History, 10/21/2017
The Howell House, 9/22/2018
A Stockton Hotel Register, 5/7/2021
In 2013, my home town celebrated its 175th birthday. In honor of the event, I have written a series on its creation, which was also the creation of Raritan Township, both carved out of old Amwell Township. Other series specific to Delaware Twp. include Raven Rock, the Green Sergeant Covered Bridge, the village of Headquarters, and villages in general. In fact, as of 2021, I have written more about people and places in Delaware Township than anywhere else.
Subcategories as follows:
Creation of Delaware Township
Delaware Twp. Cemeteries
Delaware Twp. Churches
Delaware Twp. Mills
Roads, Bridges, Railroads
Delaware Twp. Schools
Villages & Hamlets
Delaware Twp. Farms & Houses
The Creation of Delaware Township
The Division of Amwell in 1838 (1/22/2013)
The Division of Amwell, part two (2/15/2013)
Joseph Moore, “the Maverick Democrat” (3/2/2013)
Delaware Township’s First Meeting (3/16/2013)
First Officeholders of Delaware Township (3/23/2013)
Delaware Township’s First Meeting, continued (3/27/2013)
Overseers of Roads (5/10/2013)
1838 Township Business: The Dog Tax (5/15/2013)
Delaware Township Cemeteries
The Cemeteries of Delaware Twp., 10/20/2010
Old Hunt Farm A Place of Interest, 8/14/2012 (Anderson Cemetery)
Barber Burying Ground, 2/14/2021
The Bosenbury & Taylor Graveyards, 12/18/2015
Cherry-VanCampen Cemetery, 8/27/2012
The Hart-Taylor Cemetery, part one, 4/20/2019
Hart-Taylor, part two, 5/4/2019
Holcombe-Riverview Public Cemeteries in Delaware Twp., 3/29/2010
The Kitchen Cemetery, 6/27/2015
The Locktown Baptist Cemetery, 2/20/2015
The Locktown Christian Church Cemetery, 5/24/2014
The Moore Cemetery, 1/22/2016
A Stroll Through the Moore Cemetery, 2/5/2016
Opdycke Cemetery Revisited, 1/10/2015
Hunting For A Cemetery (Opdycke), 1/10/2015
Pine Hill Cemetery, 5/15/2013
Pine Hill Cemetery, Revisited, 8/30/2015
The Rake Cemetery, revised and updated, 5/19/2018
Rake Cemetery, part two, 5/25/2018
The Rittenhouse Cemetery (Prallsville), part one, 7/3/2015
The Rittenhouse Cemetery, part two, 7/10/2015
Sandy Ridge, part two, 12/29/2018
Sandy Ridge Cemetery (A Mystery Solved), 11/2/2019
Sutton Family Burying Ground, 5/18/2013
The Thatcher Burying Ground, 10/3/2015
Cemeteries waiting to be published: Lower Amwell, Reading-Johnson, Rosemont, Sand Brook, and Sergeantsville Methodist.
Delaware Township Churches
Baptists Divided (Locktown Baptist Church)
Some Controversial Baptist Ministers (Locktown)
The Locktown Christian Church
The Rosemont Methodist Church
The Amwell Church of the Brethren
Sandy Ridge Church
Delaware Township Mills
Delaware’s Villages and Mills, 6/1/2010
The Mills of Delaware Township, 6/2/2010
Mill Owners and Operators, 6/3/2010
Overshot v. Undershot, 5/11/2011
Kitchen’s Mill in Sand Brook, 4/4/2020
Delaware’s Old-Time Mills (JMH), 5/12/2011
Roads, Bridges and Railroads
Green Sergeants Covered Bridge (4/14/2011)
Covered Bridge Tales (4/14/2011)
Overshot v. Undershot (5/11/2011)
Sparky’s Roadhouse, continued (4/21/2011)
The Covered Bridge in the Automobile Age (4/29/2011)
Citizens to the Rescue (5/1/2011)
By E. T. Bush: Story of Green Sergeant’s Bridge and Its Builders (6/30/1935; 5/1/2011)
A Post in the Road: The Stone Signpost on Ferry Road (4/26/2014)
Raven Rock Road Bridge, Part One
Raven Rock Road Bridge, Part Two
Rittenhouse Road
Delaware Flemington RR Co., part one
Kessler & Co., Del-Flem RR, part two
The Route Not Taken, part one
The Route Not Taken, part two
The Route Not Taken, part three
The Route Not Taken, part four
The Route Not Taken, part five; Through Sand Brook
Note: The rest of the stories in this series concern Raritan Township. See Hunterdon County above, Roads, Bridge, Railroads
Delaware Twp. Schools
The Reading School, 6/1/2013
The Van Dolah School, 3/27/2015
The Manual Labor Institute, 7/15/2017
The Sergeantsville School, 7/2/2021
Villages and Hamlets
Delaware’s Villages and Mills (6/1/2010)
What It Takes To Raise A Village, part one (2/13/2012)
Post Offices are a surprisingly interesting subject I hope to write more on, because the position of postmaster was a very political one.
Postal Service in Delaware Township, 5/3/2012
Delaware Township Post Offices, 5/5/2012
The Village of Headquarters
Opdycke’s Mill, Headquarters NJ (8/9/2010)
Who Saw George Washington? (8/20/2010)
Tyson’s Mill at Headquarters (8/22/2010)
Washington Didn’t Sleep in Delaware Twp. (2/27/2011)
The Magic of Myths (2/20/2011)
Thomas Jones v David Johnes (2/27/2012)
Articles about Headquarters by other historians:
E. T. Bush: “Headquarters” (11/7/1929; 8/10/2010)
E. T. Bush: “Ben. Tyson’s Mill” (11/7/1935; 8/22/2010)
J. M. Hoppock: “The Old Opdyke House” (7/27/1905; 8/22/2010)
J. M. Hoppock: “Washington’s Headquarters, July 1777” (10/11/1901; 3/2/2011)
J. M. Hoppock: “White Hall Recruiting Station, 1775-1781” (10/24/1901; 3/20/2011)
J. M. Hoppock: “Home of Capt. David Jones” (8/21/1905; 2/27/2012)
E. T. Bush: “How Locktown Got Its Name”
Some Controversial Baptist Ministers (see also Churches & Cemeteries)
The Heaths of Locktown (9/20/2020)
Postscript to Heaths of Locktown (9/26/2020)
Raven Rock/Saxtonville and Bull’s Island
Raven Rock and the Saxtonville Tavern (8/27/2011)
Raven Rock (Saxtonville) & Bull’s Island, cont (9/1/2011)
Bull’s Island Fisheries (9/6/2011)
Quinby Conveyances (9/7/2011)
Cooper & Curry (11/6/2011)
Cooper & Curry, Aftermath (11/8/2011)
Moses Quinby Departs (12/29/2011)
Saxton in Raven Rock (1/10/2012)
Reading Howell’s Map of 1785 (2/1/2012)
Bull’s Island Bridge (2/13/2012)
Saxton’s Saxtonville (3/14/2012)
The Saxtonville Mill Changes Hands (5/9/2012)
Nattie Saxton Addendums (5/19/2012)
Saxtonville Mill Entangled in Debt (6/12/2012)
The Last Chapter of the Saxtonville Mill (6/22/2012)
Saxtonville Tavern’s First Innkeeper (7/20/2012)
Saxtonville Tavern’s Last Chapter (8/10/2012)
From a Reader (Barbara Ross, 8/18/2012)
Return to Raven Rock (2/13/15)
See also Nathaniel Saxton Esq. (1/8/2012) under Hunterdon Co. People.
Rittenhouse Tavern from Old Ink (10/26/2012)
E. T. Bush, Crosskeys Tavern (8/4/2018)
Rittenhouse Tavern, part one (8/10/2018)
Rittenhouse Tavern, continued (8/24/2018)
Rittenhouse Store & Tavern House (9/01/2018)
The Howell House, 9/22/2018
Howell House, part two, 10/13/18
Howell House, part three, 10/20/18
The Reading-Wolverton Farm, 11/2/18
Reading-Wolverton Farm, part two, 11/17/18
The Rake-Sergeant House
The Kitchen Cemetery
The German Baptist Church in Amwell
A 1777 Campground (Jonathan M. Hoppock)
The Sine Farm
The Cook Proprietary Tract
The Sutton Farm
Sutton Farm, part two
The Rake Cemetery
Rake Cemetery, part two
The Rounavells of Amwell
The Rounsavells, part two
An Old Account Book & Moore Family Bible, E. T. Bush, 7/14/2018
Sandbrook Hostilities: Servis and Higgins
Sandy Ridge
E. T. Bush: Old Headstones and Headlines [part one], 12/29/2018
E. T. Bush: Sandy Ridge Long A Farm Community, 2019
part two, part three, part four, part five
Sandy Ridge, part six: Granville Dilts Farm
The Vandolah Family, Sandy Ridge part seven
Cyrus Vandolah, Jr.
The Lawshe House, 4/6/2019
What’s In A Name – Skunktown
The Sergeantsville Inn (5/14/2015)
Sergeantsville Inn, part 2 (5/19/2016)
Sergeantsville Inn, part 3 (6/17/2016)
A Sergeantsville History by E. T. Bush (6/24/2016)
Other Neighborhoods:
Ducks’ Flat, Part One and Part Two
Brookville & Horne’s Creek (2/8/2017)
Sergeant’s Mills, Part Three, The Rosemont Valley
Delaware Township Farms & Houses
The Dilts Farm (2012)
The Rittenhouse-Dilts Farm (2019)
The Deremer-Wilson Farm (2019)
Asa Romine’s Beloved Farm, 12/19/2014
The Haddon Tract, part one (Sine Farm), 11/11/17
Pysong & Peartree (Besson & Bearder Farms), 12/1/17
The Barns/Bearder Farm, 12/9/17
The Sine Farm (Haddon Tract, part four), 3/10/2018
The Sutton Farm, part one and part two, May 2018
The Rounsavells of Amwell, part one, 6/16/2018
The Rounsavells, part two, 6/30/2018
The Haines Farm (6/1/2019)
Haines Farm, part two (6/22/2019)
The Bray Farm
The Anderson Bray Farm, by E. T. Bush, 3/31/2012
Andrew Bray and Sarah Rittenhouse, 4/9/2012
The Bray Inheritance, 4/16/2012
The Pauch Farm
The Greens of Amwell, 2/1/2014
Richard Bull, Surveyor, 12/8/13
Richard Green and Elizabeth Wolverton, 2/14/2014
Generations of Greens, 3/8/2014
Charles Sergeant and Sarah Green, 3/21/2014
Joseph Sergeant and Jane Quick, 4/18/2014
Rittenhouse/Bray, Wolverton/Sergeant and Cowdrick, 4/24/2014
From Primmer to Pauch, 5/23/2014
The Lamberts of Amwell Township
Two Lambert Farms, part one (9/25/2016)
Sen. John Lambert’s Farm (10/6/2016)
Gershom Lambert’s Farm (10/21/2016)
IV. Hunterdon Historians

These articles, originally published in the Hunterdon County Democrat from 1929 to 1937, are given verbatim, but with extensive annotations. There were over 300 articles written by Mr. Bush. Perhaps eventually, I will publish all of them here, but it will take years. The articles are listed in order of publication. To find a particular article, use the Command-Find function.
Old Ways
Old-Time Sawmills Were a Joy to Watch
Old Records Throw Light on the Ways of Past Ages
Big Fish and Big Snows in Old Days
In Days When the Great Fire Up the Chimney Roared
The Stories Told in Bygone Days
Old Things and Old Time Ways
That Big Willow and Other Trees
Old Sentinel Oak Has Passed
Drinking Toasts to the Government Popular Years Ago
Biggest Log Ever Brought to Stockton
Gathering Nuts Was Once an Industry
Indians Thought Lightning Would Not Strike a Beech
Lime and Trees and Other Things
Old Barns Were Built For the Ages
A Barn Raising Was a Big Event
Much Mischief Was Blamed On A Witch
Fruits That Were, Fruits That Are (A “Paradise Lost” for Fruit)
April 1st Was Once Moving Day (April Fool’s! We’re Moving!)
Requiem for a Monarch (A Monarch Falls in Stockton Boro)
Buckwheat Cakes & Trimmer Stew
Stockton Woman Has Old Easter Egg
Old-Time Debates Went to the Bottom of Many Questions
Hardscrabble the Scene of Boy Hunt
A State Business Directory for 1850
Summit School Once Known as Hardscrabble
Summit School, part two
Other Subjects
Obituary for Egbert Trimmer Bush
Slavery in Hunterdon
Poor Horace Greeley
Delaware & Raritan Townships
“Headquarters” Has Two Buildings of Historic Interest
Faded Old Paper Tells Little About Benjamin Tyson’s Mill
Story of Green Sergeant’s Bridge and Its Builders
Raven Rock Was Once Bool’s Island
Holcombe’s Mills and Thereabout
Anderson Bray Farm and the Pyatt Family
Old Hunt Farm a Place of Interest
Glen Eppelle Once Owned by Soldier of the Revolution
Buchanan’s, A Tavern With a Long History
Boarshead Tavern
Harmony School Rightly Named
Elisha Warford
Milling Industry at Prallsville Back of Year 1792
The “Oregon” School and Other Schools
The Supreme School
How Locktown Got Its Name
The German Baptist Church of Amwell
Sergeantsville, A Town That Outlived Its Original Name (A Sergeantsville History)
Brookville & Up the Hollow (Brookville & Horne’s Creek)
Sergeant’s Mills Once a Busy Place, Part One and Part Two
Hoppock Farm Once Over 600 Acres
Sandbrook Once Had a Tavern Nearby
Crosskeys Tavern [Rosemont]
Woolverton Farm Near Stockton in Family Since 1799
Old Headstones and Headlines [Sandy Ridge, part two], 12/29/2018
Old Headstones and Headlines [Sandy Ridge, part three], 1/12/2019
Sandy Ridge Long A Farm Community, Feb 2019
part two, part three, part four, part five,
Cyrus Vandolah, Jr.
Other Places
Passing of Old Canal Feeder Matter For Regret
“California” in Franklin Township
Let’s Stop Off at Bowne Station
Old Farms in Old Hunterdon, part 2 The Moores
Farewell, Relic of Another Age (the old Moore house)
Working for Big Wages with Unkle Jaky Philhower
When Stockton Was Not So Dry
When Stockton Was Not So Dry, part two
Baptistown, One of Hunterdon’s Oldest Villages
Articles by J. M. Hoppock, as of 2015
Campground of the Glorious Old Continental Army in 1777
Amwell German Baptist Church
The Old Oak–A Scrap of Local History
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Romine
The Old School Baptist Church at Locktown
Rev. Joshua Primer
Old Sergeant Mill
Sergeant Mill and Mansion, 1745
Hunterdon’s Oldest School House
Home of Capt. David Jones
Delaware’s Old-Time Mills
Washington’s Headquarters, Raritan
White Hall Recruiting Station, 1775-1781
Washington’s Headquarters, July 1777
Neglected Revolutionary Heroes
The Old Opdyke House
Sandy Ridge Church
Obituary of Jonathan M. Hoppock
Hoppock Articles Yet To Be Published:
1902 Feb 13, First Brethren Church in NJ
1902 Jun 26, The Williamson Homestead
1905 Jun 8, The Poulson House at Grover
1905 Jul 6, The Bowne Homestead
1906 Apr 19, Neglected Revolutionary Heroes
1906 Aug 30, Sergeantsville Hotel
Remembering Bill Hartman (5/18/16)

Note that although some of these articles date back a few years, they do get updated as new sources come to light. Even so, more updating is needed.
Sources: New Jersey History (6/3/2009)
Sources: Genealogies and Local History (6/23/2009)
Basic Resources for Hunterdon County (6/17/2010)
Sources: Early New Jersey Politics (6/13/2009)
Sources: Historical Glossary (6/13/2009)
Sources for West New Jersey (11/10/2010)
Archival Sources (10/29/2010)
Other Articles:
James Wasse’s Surveys (10/17/2010)
Burlington Waterlots (4/17/2010)
Schafer, Shaffer or Shepherd (2/1/2012)
A Lambert Glossary (10/13/2012)
New Jersey History Online (4/1/2014)
The Secrets to a Great House History (3/29/2014)
House Histories, Part Two (4/4/2014)
400 Articles (4/7/2018)
“In My Library”:
John Reading’s Diary (10/17/2010)
New Jersey, A History of the Garden State (2/13/2010)
In My Library: Two New Books (6/17/2013)
New Jersey’s Covered Bridges (4/12/2014)
In My Library: Four New Books (5/8/2014)
In My Library: Owning and Mapping the Land (10/4/14)
In My Library: A Proprietary History (4/8/15)